Jurassic World Movies

most influential members on the forums?

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2015 7:52 PM

Been awhile since I made one of these. Anyway, this topic is to talk about the members who have influenced you the most in regards to posting on sci-fied! Be it for fight writing,debating, etc.

For me personally, those would have to be Dinofights, Mr.happy,and rexfan684. They got me reinterested in not only Jurassic park, but dinosaurs as a whole. Definetly wouldn't be as far in my chosen field of study without y'all!

So, who are the members that have influenced/ inspired you the most here?

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

14 Replies


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2015 8:04 PM

Hmm... To be honest now that I think about it no one here really influenced me to come or do what I have done...


I mean I was inspired to write my first stories of Raptor-401 (Which I actually don't like at all, in reality.) Because people like Mr. Happy and RexFan were getting appreciation for their writing so I did my own. Got some pretty good replies.


Then somewhere in time I just started influencing myself. I started writing jokes and posting them, and I actually ended influencing people myself.


In the end, you all, even the ones that have left us, still influence me to stay here on the forum. And I hope you guys continue to do so. :P


Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-20-2015 8:51 PM

CARNOSAUR - What a fun topic! Hmm...I honestly believe that each of you has influenced me in a multitude of ways! I find so much enjoyment in speaking with each individual that will take the time to engage in discourse with me - and there is so much to take away from each indvidual engagement! As this is the case, I will have to say that I have been positively influenced by each of you and am thankful for what you have provided me by way of knowledge and understanding when it comes to interactions with others! Thank you! :)


MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2015 10:01 PM

I'd personally have to say Chris and DinoFights did a good job of inspiring me.  Chris was the First person to follow me, So, That was something. Dinofights ended up fixing my entire series, I owe a lot to him. 


Like @ Something Real said,  Everyone somehow influenced Everyone else in some way or form. 


I don't know if I inspired anyone... Sure, I probably have, But I don't think I'll ever know if I truly inspired someone... Or at least recently...


Inspiration can lead to great things. Wonderful things. Sometimes, it can also lead to bad things. 


Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2015 10:06 PM

Definitely the classic regulars, including yourself, Carnosaur. Really does depend on what type of influence you're talking aboout.

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-20-2015 10:59 PM

PRIMAL KING and X_PADEN_X - I could not agree more with the both of you! :)

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2015 3:40 AM

Paden, yes inspiration can lead to bad stuff, example: mussolini and Adolfo hitler.

but inspiration can be good. I was inspired to come here by everyone. And what really madee join was that i saw rex fan and raptor 402 were online so I knew it was an active site.  

and paden was the first to follow me.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-21-2015 4:39 AM

Well, I joined just to pointlessly argue. Frankly, I didn't really care what others thought and was planning on leaving once Rex vs Spino died down, but I ended up staying. 


Chris was my first follower. Paden was a pretty great guy, as was Dinosaur.Fanatic, and Rex Fan. They're the reason I stuck around.


Started writing fights and such because of DinoFights, as well as the fact that everyone else was. 


After that, you've all had an influence on me somehow. Perhaps as the reason I still put up a fight from time to time, and probably why I still stick around almost two years after joining. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2015 4:57 AM

are you planning on leaving?

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-21-2015 5:11 AM


Jack of all trades. Master of none

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusFeb-21-2015 6:50 AM

Hm... Mr. Happy and RexFan inspired my dinosaur battles, and I remember when 401 started the Fight of the Ages, I made a creature and then made a series out of it.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2015 10:56 AM

I'm usually not around much but I remember Rex-Fan and Chris seemed nice. 


MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2015 12:55 PM

Honestly? Paden and Carno, you two have been some of my biggest inspirations on these forums.

Carno's extremely interesting and factual posts (namely the ones where he explains what he thinks a dino's size is and why) have made me interested in learning about such things for myself.

Paden, you, and the DWCs I entered, have been some of the biggest inspirations for me and my writing. Thank you for that.

Finally, everyone who has left nice comments on my SURVIVE episodes, thank you. You are what kept me going with that series, and why I will be releasing the first parts of ESCAPE very soon.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


MemberCompsognathusFeb-23-2015 5:56 PM

silver falcon, for his advice :), carnosaur (yay! you're back to your old ppic! i like this one more) and dinofights, even though i never knew him. I just really liked his dinnofights. Rexfan was the one who started up my dinosaur instinct again. And mrhappy (lord vader) just for being happy and funny. also tyrant king and alphadino65 for humour (Alphadino65: Ornitholestes, yelling at the top of his lungs: "You nasty t rex! you bully! you... you..." T rex looks at him awkwardly, hearing only little squeaks. Ummm... SPLATT! TK: haha, we both know that if an ornitholestes and t rex ever met who would win *hint hint* ornitholestes and also Something Real for the support

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-23-2015 7:56 PM

ANKYBEATSALL2468 - I will never let you guys down - I promise! :)

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