Jurassic World Movies

Irrfan Khan on Indominus Rex's animatronic

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2015 3:11 AM

He talked about Jurassic World for just a breif moment during his interview, still would like to share this to you guys. :)

at 21.53  I think.


5 Replies


MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2015 8:28 AM

There was one scene in the Superbowl trailer I thought may have used an animatronic. When Owen is hiding under that truck and the I-Rex roars next to him. Cool to know it mignt have been. Nice find :)


MemberTriceratopsFeb-20-2015 10:53 AM

I'm a bit disappointed that Khan essentially confirmed that CGI is being leaned on more than in the prequels.  I'll still like the movie, but there are still times when animatronics work a lot better than CGI.


AdminIndoraptorFeb-20-2015 2:50 PM

I'm loving all the new members joining these forums to share exciting news like this, but please learn how to embed videos and not just post lazy links. To embed, click INSERT > VIDEO > EMBED in the text box to embed your YouTube videos.

As for the use of CGI being overly used, that's not entirely surprising, though I am a huge advocate of animatronics and pracitcal effects over the use of CGI.

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2015 6:39 PM

Thank you, I'll do that next time I post any video. :)

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-20-2015 9:03 PM

OBOBOBN - Welcome to the site! It is always extremely agreeable to see new faces around here! As for what you have presented: this is extremely compelling news! I personally enjoy animatronics more than CGI; however, this was still a very neat bit of information! Thank you ever so much for taking the time to share this with us! :)

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