Jurassic World Movies

How I'm expecting this movie to play out...

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-03-2015 11:46 PM

The Movie will open with the grand opening of Jurassic World. We'll experience each attraction for the first time along with the visitors to the park. At some point, there will be a time jump, and we'll get an attraction with somewhat disinterested viewers. Maybe they'll all be on their phones or something. Next shot will be a thinktank meeting on how to get people excited again about Jurassic World.

Next we'll meet the two young characters whom the movie follows. When they get to the park, the first exhibit they'll see is the Mosasaur which we will find out is a new attraction.

Then we'll see Pratt's character find out that a new dinosaur has been engineered and after being told what dinosaurs it is comprised of, he'll demand to see it.

When he goes to the cage in the restricted part of the island, it looks as though the the I Rex has escaped. They open up the gate to go inside, and it reveals itself, having been camoflauged and this is when it escapes for real.

Not wanting to cause mass panic, Ingen's army is brought out to hunt it down, but they lose it.

Pratt will try to send his "trained" raptors after it, but one will go "rogue". After the I Rex destroys the cages of the pterranadons and they begin wreaking havoc, Pratt tells the higher ups of the park that the island needs to be evacuated.

Now, our two young characters will be in the gyrosphere, looking at the herbivores, when they start stampeding and we'll see I Rex kill an appotasaurus. The boys will be terrified and try to roll into the cover of the trees, and the I Rex will spot them and go after them. It will toy with the ball, nearly break in, but be attacked by Pratt's raptors. While the raptors are attacking I Rex, the boys will escape the Gyro and jump into the river.

When Pratt and other Ingen soldiers come upon the wrecked gyrosphere and the carcasses of Pratt's raptors, they realize that there are patrons hiding in the forest, so they make an effort to find them, but are attacked by I Rex.

Pratt escapes and finds the boys at the remnants of the old visitor center from the first film. So now we've got Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and the two kids hiding from I Rex.

With nightfall, they'll try to get back to the new Park. When they do after some narrow escapes, Bryce Dallas Howard's character will confide in Pratt's character that she hasn't been totally honest with Pratt about I Rex. She'll then explain that I Rex has cuttlefish and viper DNA as well, and that I Rex was actually commissioned by the U.S. military.Pratt will be upset, and they'll discuss how it needs to be killed. Dallas Howard will start listing off it's atttributes, including that it has camouflage abilities, bullet proof skin, etc...

Pratt will say they need something that will be able to locate it without seeing it and that will be powerful enough to penetrate its scales. They will both have the same realization at the same time: T-Rex. It's sense of smell is unparalleled and its bite has the the most force of any living being ever.

Pratt will set out to lure the I Rex, and Dallas Howard will summon the T Rex from its paddock, red flair and all,

The kids will be in hiding and Pratt's "rogue" raptor will find them, and it will be a scene similar to the one from the first movie in the kitchen with the raptors.

Pratt is nearly gobbled up when the T Rex's roar stops the I Rex in its tracks. It might be the first time we see the T Rex in the movie. In fact, I think it will be.

The T Rex and the I Rex will fight, the kids will outlast the raptor long enough for Pratt to subdue it, and the T Rex will triumph over the I Rex.

Jurassic World will be shut down for the foreseeable future, but Masrani will say to one of his guys worried about finances "There is always site B".

We'll see a facility on Isla Sorna with scientists working wth vials listed from all over the animal kingdom. Final shot will be the eye of some hybrid dinosaur unlike anything we've seen. Credits roll.


10 Replies


MemberCompsognathusFeb-04-2015 8:22 AM

That was AWESOME! If this is really how the movie plays out, I feel it could be one of the best JPs yet. This idea you have is very, very interesting and i like it a lot.

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-04-2015 8:40 AM

CLEVAHGURL - How very neat! I can certainly tell that you have placed a great deal of thought and creative energy into this synopsis - and the end result is extremely compelling! I would definately enjoy seeing a film come together in such a fashion, especially if well-directed! Thank you ever so much for sharing this incredibly interesting hypothesis with us! :)


MemberBrachiosaurusFeb-04-2015 9:25 AM

That was awesome!!!!?

Except for the new hybrid part and the US Military commission. 

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusFeb-04-2015 1:37 PM

Nice ideas!


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusFeb-04-2015 1:46 PM

Cool Ideas!


MemberCompsognathusFeb-04-2015 2:00 PM

Please, don't say raptor carcass around me. It makes me want to cry. In all honesty I find your ideas intriguing and exciting.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-04-2015 2:23 PM

THAT, my friend, is a cool idea. Wether or not that's how it goes down, bravo for the excellent prediction. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusFeb-04-2015 2:30 PM

us military? uh... well see, i geuss

"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom


MemberCompsognathusFeb-05-2015 8:49 AM

If this is how the movie plays out then it will be amazing! Really liked your ideas Clevahgurl!

hmm, bullet proof skin, can camouflage itself, well, at least it cant shoot flames from it mouth.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-05-2015 10:47 PM

I doubt they would have the US Military involved, that sounds like some from carnosaur and also Ingen doesnt have soldiers thoses are Park Rangers. Geez when has Ingen ever had soldiers. Security Guards and Park rangers aren't soldiers! US Military experiment, I hate thoses plot lines. I Rex would make a terrible military weapon, pre-escape or post-escape. The rest of your prediction are okay I guess. I hope they show us a dilophosaurus.

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