Jurassic World Movies

The most complete Stegosaurus skeleton ever!

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 2:58 AM

I haven't seen anybody post about this yet, so I will.

In the Natural History Museum (London), there is now the most complete Stegosaurus skeleton ever found. It is 90% complete, and has been on display since 4 December 2014. Here is a picture.

90% of that skeleton is bone, and it has been nicknamed Sophie. It was a young adult when it died so it isn't fully grown, but close enough. Now that were done with the Stegosaurus, lets get on to the problem with the museum at the minute.

They are going to get rid of Dippy!

In case you don't know, Dippy is the name for a fiberglass skeleton of a Diplodocus that stands in the Hintz hall (It used to be called the central hall, except a guy with the last name Hintz donated £5,000,000 to the museum), here are some pictures of Dippy.

This is what they want to replace it with.

Dippy has been there for 36 years, and now the want to replace it with a Blue Whale skeleton. This won't happen until 2017, so Dippy will be there for a while, but luckily there is a lot of public backlash from the plan to get rid of it. Here are some links.

Natural History Museum London website. Dippy the Diplodocus. Sophie the Stegosaurus and Blue Whale skeleton.

6 Replies

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 5:34 AM

Thanks for sharimg this! The stego looks young. And is it me or does the limbs look really thick?


NO!! They shouldn't move dippy for some lame, boring blue whale skeleton.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusFeb-01-2015 11:35 AM



Still, a 90% complete Stegosaurus is AWESOME!

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 1:42 PM

Oh God, Please bring Dippy to America?


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 2:01 PM

From the amount of public backlash there is, I don't think Dippys leaving.


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 2:09 PM

Truth be told I would prefer that she stay put. When I first heard that she may be leaving I felt a ping of sorrow. London has been her home for nearly four decades and despite my own selfishness I feel that Dippy belongs in London.


Besides, we have plenty of incredible dinosaurs here in America (Sue is a prime example) that we don't want to give up. So if there is a petition for Dippy to stay, I'll sign it and just hop on a plane to go see her. :)

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-01-2015 2:29 PM

JURASSICWORLD - Hahaha! Yes! I have seen this little darling three times now! Such a cutie! Thank you for taking the time to bring this to the attention of others; it is always quite agreeable to spread knowledge concerning such fascinating subjects! :)

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