Jurassic World Movies

Indiana jones! This could help with ur raptor discussion.

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MemberCompsognathusJan-28-2015 1:23 PM

Nice topic and this I actually agree with for once respectfully. But the jp3 raptors are sick, even though they make no sense! Technially they shoulda been the tiger stripy ones like tlw raptors. But anyway back on subject I watched a video on youtube called jurassic time? Its basically the memoirs of John Hammond, which are lines extracted from the game jurassic park trespasser.

Anyway if u want to listen to it, the link will be posted at the bottom . Its really gd. And quite in the canon of the film. Hammond mentions about InGen making three species of raptors the lost world ones and the jp3 ones. Living in seperate colonies in differ t parts of the island. Then they introduce a third species into the mountains. which is smaller And eat small mammals and lizards. Its excellent.

Its the only and BEST explanation I've heard . I hope it helps! Its what I go by. http://youtu.be/u_WpsDOXtGQ



4 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJan-28-2015 2:08 PM
The thing is different populations of animals can look and weigh different (i.e. coloration, behavior, etc) now, the alpha female raptor from JP3 really didn't look disimilar to the JP2 raptors -- lighter coloration and slightly different patterning. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i do not believe we saw a male raptor in either of the first two movies, at least the sex of the individuals wasn't specified. This is why i think the males look a lot different (we see this in a vast quantity of bird & some reptile and amphibian species) I believe what i've stated up yonder ^ explains the differences in the 'raptors in the franchise.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


MemberTriceratopsJan-28-2015 7:13 PM

We saw at least 3 male raptors in the TLW and 3 females in JP Carnosaur.  It's just that we researched the sexual dimorphism of the raptors after we knew that they were breeding.  And up close the TLW raptors that attacked Malcolm and Harding did look different, it was enough for people to realize it.


MemberCompsognathusJan-28-2015 7:59 PM

hmm? i didn't know the sex of the animals was somehow determined. then again i don't repeatedly go over the finer of details, so i guess i wouldn't know lol

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusJan-28-2015 9:03 PM


My personal theory is that the raptors are differant colors like geckos, (somone pointed this out) geckos have differant morphs (colors) even when the same genius, like raptors

"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom

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