Jurassic World Movies

Dilophosaurus in JW

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MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 5:49 PM

I was going through Jurassic World UK's facebook photos and came accross this photo, no say as to whether it is official but interesting nontheless. 


I was also looking at this photo here, and if you look to the left above what I think is Edmontosaurus, it looks a lot like the sihlohette of dilophosaurus, frill and all. I hope this is true I love the Dilo and really want him to appear in JW.

17 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 6:01 PM

The one circled in red is what i was pointing out


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 6:04 PM

It would be nice to see, but about that umbrella thing... Where can I get one?

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 6:31 PM


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 7:23 PM

if the above picture is legitamate, spinosaurus is confirmed for JW. it's on the right, near suchomimus


just throwin' it out there for y'all

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 7:49 PM

Although yes, it is on that list, that doesn't mean it is in the movie. It only means it is (possibly was...) on the island. It's really impossible to tell whether or noteach species on that list will really be in the movie, unlike the one on the website, where each dino on that list is confirmed to be in the movie. Of course, there are dinos on this list that are in the movie but don't appear on the other one. 

TL:DR- Spino might not be in the movie.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 7:56 PM

how much sense does that make, though? not much imo. an if this leaked "info" is to be believed, it makes more sense for spinosaurus to be featured with the information we've been presented.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 9:36 PM

Again, not necessarily. I believe this is a sort of park terminal that will allow visitors to learn about the various dinosaurs that inhabit (or once inhabited) the park. It isn't a list for the movie, it's a list for the park.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


Community ExecutiveMemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 9:48 PM

In the brochure, the JW page and the official JW guide are displayed 16 dinosaurs,

but is diferent to the image that shows the HOLOSCAPE, which I think is like the displayer

of a museum more than a list of the park attractions. I'm afraid is only made with teaching purposes, but who knows if the guys in InGen are playing aside of the official list 

The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 9:52 PM

the brochure also stated that they were SOME of the creatures in the park and the river safari is known to have over a hundred forms of prehistoric life.


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 10:01 PM

And as I said, the dinos seen on the display are likely only in the park, or once were, and are not likely to appear in the movie. It is also possible that some of these never set foot in the park, and are purely there for educational purposes, like AL said.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 10:15 PM

you say that like its some sort of common knowledge.

"as you said...alrighty then.

case and point we don't know cuz the movie's half a yea a way from release. i was just pointint it out. that's all.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


MemberCompsognathusJan-08-2015 10:19 PM


Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


MemberCompsognathusJan-09-2015 6:21 AM

I loved the dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park. Even though it's doubtfull that they spat or had a frill, I loved the idea of them and the sound the baby made. I took it that there was an older one that attacked Newman in his jeep due to a size difference. Of course an adult would be much bigger and I'd love to see an adult in the new film. Perhaps it could help take down the D or I Rex by blinding it with its acidic flem.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJan-09-2015 1:15 PM

Concerning the Dilo and Spino in the park,


I already did it. :)

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-09-2015 1:29 PM

EUSTREPTOSPONDYLUS - That umbrella is bloody CUTE! As for the dilophosaurus showing up in Jurassic World, I certainly hope he/she does! That animal was always extremely interesting and neat to see on film! :)

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-09-2015 5:34 PM

Interesting umbrella. 


I hope Dilo is in the movie, but wouldn't count on it.


Not trying to start anything, but found an interesting pic. 

Now, keep in mind, this is mocking the JP3 Spino, not actual Spino (biped or quadruped doesn't matter). 



Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJan-10-2015 10:37 PM

Of course we'll never really know until we get actual visual evidence but here are a few things to consider. First off, velociraptors are confirmed to be in the film yet they are not in the brochure. They are however in the interactive console picture like the Spino and Dilophosaurus. Secondly, I think there may be some significance to the image that Trevorrow tweeted a while back. I think that that image of the east dock sign from Jurassic Park serves as a clue that Dilophosaurus will be in Jurassic World

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