Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Mega fight: The Inevitable Battle of the Super Predators.

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MemberCompsognathusDec-14-2014 8:13 PM

Some rumors of a supposed super predator battle happening in jurassic world from "leaked" sources are spreading in the net ( ive seen mentions of it here too) and people are as expected taking it with a *sack of salt (well what do you expect from the all too honest internet).


But rumors aside, there might just be a super predator battle coming in the JW,  "a 3 way Battle Royale between the Tyrant Lizard king T-rex, the Unborn Hybrid D-rex and the Rogue Killer Spinosaurus".

Why did i think so?: its because of Collin's tweet "Rex Redemption", a subtle hint that could mean many things and could raise many questions to a JP fan's mind, obviously it allows us to think whether it meant redemption from the t-rex shameful defeat from the last movie JP3 in the hands of the Spinosaurus or redemption to take back what is rightfully his from a theif threatening to overthrow (D-rex), and as @Rex Fan pointed out, the Rex in "Rex Redemption" still doesnt 100% refer to t-rex which is also true, possibilites are numerous and guesses could go and on.

How the fight will go?: Thats what i would like to hear from you guys.

and also, i listed possible scenarios that i thought would happen in the film.


Here are my possible Scenarios for "Rex Redemption":

1. A 3 way battle royale between the 3 apex predators, T rex, D-rex and Spinosaurus, one loses, the other one gets thrown into the mosasaur lagoon, and only one of the Rexes wins.

2. Some time during the movie, the D-rex encounters the Spino and they clashed, D-rex wins against the spino, later the D-rex encountered the T-rex, the T-rex somehow wins against the D-rex, making itself king of the predators again (by default).

3. T-rex and D-rex clashes in the background is the Skeleton of the Spinosaurus which is knockdown and destroyed in their clash.

4. Scientists tried to see how scary D-rex is, so they pitted it against a T-rex, the D-rex eaily wins and puts the t-rex name into shame, however, it wasnt able to finish off the t-rex, thus it came back with huge scars in its neck, to battle the d-rex once again amd this time wins.

please feel free to add your own and discuss whether all given scenarios are possible to happen (in the film) or not.

Thanks :)

3 Replies


MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2014 7:05 AM

I'd be ok with all of them except for 1. I think 1 is the worst option, closely followed by 2. My favorite however, is option 3, but with the mosasaur lagoon in the end.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusDec-15-2014 12:41 PM

I'd prefer seeing the three battle, and as the D. Rex goes to finish off the Spinosaurus, the Tyrannosaurus grabs it by the neck and slams it against the Mosasaur Lagoon fence a few times. As the disoriented creature tries to escape, the Tyrannosaurus pushes the D. Rex into the tank, where the creature meets its end at the jaws of the mosasaur.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2014 1:06 PM

I'm not sure how it'll go, but odds are the T.rex will survive. There's a chance it won't, but it's likely.

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98
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