Jurassic World Movies

Running Theropod

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noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 4:48 PM

Remember that running theropod in the JW leaked footage? Not the D-rex, the brown one. Could that have been a T-rex, Metriacanthosaurus, ect? Post your thoughts.

9 Replies


MemberTriceratopsDec-11-2014 6:48 PM

Honestly have no idea, the leaked footage was too blurry.

It could have been D.rex.  I'm pretty sure she could change colour if she wanted too, and I think there's a scene in either the leaked footage or the trailer where some guy is pulled up and backward into the air by some invisible force, so it could be her.

Or it could have been Metriacanthosaurus.  The gait didn't look like a T.rex's at all.


MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 7:48 PM

The scene where the guy is being pulled backward is very intriguing. If it is Drex, why would it drag its prey backward? With that cuddle fish DNA I guess anything is possible.

Maybe the guy narrowly escaped an attack and was saved by the park workers. He was being dragged by an SUV or four wheeler?

I know it's impossible but I'm trying to not look for any leaked footage!!!! It takes away from the shocked factor!!!!! The less you know and the less footage you see the better the movie will be!!!


MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 7:59 PM

^ think that was raptors. workers wouldnt drag a guy like that 


MemberTriceratopsDec-11-2014 8:50 PM

@JPJoe84, you mean the scene where we see it from the victim's PoV, where his feet are flailing around?  Maybe the raptor's, maybe something bigger.  Could even be D.rex playing raptor, she is really weird and violent afterall...


MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 9:01 PM

I thinks its the D-Rex, if not , the Metri.

And in the leaked trailer, when the work, who is with Pratt, is pulled back, that is the d-rxe, it is the scene before Pratt starts running to the gate, the CGI isn't finishe, but is white, it definately the D-Rex...

What I am talking about isthe leaked trailer, not the other Persons POV scene...

Very interesting though...


MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 9:06 PM

At 3;50 this guy explains it:


This was the first thing I noticed all the way back before the Real Trailer got released!

:D Very nice post noah!


MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 10:20 PM

Rewatch the clip. ignore the audio. The guy could have been falling backwards down a hill


noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusDec-12-2014 8:26 AM

No, I meant the moment when the brown theropod charges into something.

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-12-2014 6:39 PM

So there is a metrocanthasaurs? I thought metricantosaurus was renamed to yangchuanosaurs.

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