Jurassic World Movies

Raptors: Just guard dogs and no park setting

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MemberCompsognathusDec-10-2014 7:53 PM

Happy and sad at the same time, having the raptors help hunt down the eacape hybird is cool and all. But wouldn't it be cool to see them in a naturel park setting in their own paddock. So here's the simple question: Should there be two groups of raptors like the book in jurrasic world? The guard dog raptors and the raptors only meant to live in a park setting.

4 Replies

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 1:27 AM

weird, but... probably just 2nd type that are shown in the earlier JP, and might be shown on JW as always we are just wait for the surprise that came on JW


MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 4:12 PM

Hammond most likely helped explain the mistakes from Site A back in 93 to Masrani, And if he didn't, Dr.Wu or one of the Survivours did. 


The reason they don't have them in a park setting, Is because of what happened in the first one. They got out and killed  a Lot of people, And then killed even more in the second one.


Not because their hungry, No no, They kill for the Thrill of the hunt. 


Masrani wouldn't want to be Liable for them, Thus they began Researching in the Restricted Sector of the island, Breeding the Raptors for Security purposes.


They are A great threat to the Visitors of Nublar, As we see in the leaked Trailer, One almost kills a man before Owen can call it off.  



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 5:03 PM

Well there was a wild group of raptors in the book that were totally different from the ones that were in the pens. That's what I mean two different groups of raptors in JW


MemberCompsognathusDec-11-2014 5:35 PM

Ok I saw the deleted scene and from what I can tell was that the guy on the ground was traspassing.


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