Jurassic World Movies

whats that dino noise.

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MemberCompsognathusDec-09-2014 12:29 PM

as u all know as u hear in the trailer when ty simpkins is from what might be " THE D-REX "

but we dont if this is probably the d-rex  but what if this could be something we should find out.... but will we figure out which dino noise that is ?????????????

so is it the d-rex or a velociraptor 

live or die
3 Replies


MemberCompsognathusDec-09-2014 3:22 PM

Had to read Three times to get the point you're trying to make.


It's definatley the D-Rex we see in the trailer, The one that Shadows Ty.


As we can tell by the Clicking noise, It's got a mixture of Raptor and something else.


The raptors, Are believed to carry the sounds over from Prior films. 


We also hear the raptors in one of the Trailers (Can't remember if it's the leaked one or the Released one) That we hear the Raptors Shriek. Confirming that they're reusing sounds. 



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberTriceratopsDec-09-2014 3:56 PM

It's definitely D-rex, Trevorrow and Spielberg wouldn't go through the trouble again of making new sounds for the raptors or T.rex.


MemberCompsognathusDec-09-2014 5:38 PM

On top of that, when the shadow riss over the kids face, you can see spike or quill like structures on the neck, much like the image above.

Also I wanted to say that D-rex looks (in my opinion) like a albino megaraptor on steroids. With the much larger claw and sort of middle-ground build. But that could just be me.

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