Jurassic World Movies

What the T-Rex Scavenger Theory really meant

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Lord of the Spinosaurs

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 4:49 PM



Ok, before I get started, I am going to state this, I don't believe T-Rex was a pure scavenger, it was a hunter and a scavenger, like any predator. Also, a lot of this info comes from the documentary "Valley of the T. Rex".Anyways let's get started.

So, a lot of people tend to hate Jack Horner just because of his T-Rex scavenger theory, but the thing is, they don't get the moral of the story. You see, what Jack is trying to say is that you can't let your imagination guide you in Science, what guides you is evidence. You need to ignore your imagination and look at what really matters, evidence. 

You see, when Barnum Brown discovered T-Rex he made it as intimidating as possible. His imagination told him to make it a very upright monster to intimidate people, though in the process he would be breaking its back, neck, and tail.

And let me tell you, If I saw Jack's theory right after he revealed it to the world, I would be convinced. 

Recently we have come across new evidence suggesting T-Rex was a predator, for example the healed bit marks on a Triceratops specimen.

You see, Jack Horner was going off what all the evidence at the time was pointing to, T-Rex being a scavenger. How is he supposed to know about evidence thats buried in the ground? And people then hate him for questioning popular culture.


I don't care if T-Rex was a predator, show me the evidence.

-Paleontologist Jack Horner


There is no such thing as a pure predator. A meat-eater is eit

52 Replies

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:22 PM

Calm down. To be fair I thotight to my self "I am gonna nail this kid" too.


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:24 PM

Don't get overly defensive over my remarks, LOTS. Punctuation =/= me being an ass, and if you think this i could really care less because i was expressing me opinion.

If you do have an issue with me, address me via pm because we don't need flame wars.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Lord of the Spinosaurs

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:29 PM

What I am trying to say there is that people are criticizing him because of his old theory that was made in the latest 20th century or earliest 21st century (I don't know for sure), he did not know all the evidence. Hence why I said "Evidence buried in the ground". Also the quote is supposed to say that what I stated is the "moral of the story".


There is no such thing as a pure predator. A meat-eater is eit

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:31 PM

He is slrt of a hypocrite because, Well he should not make assumptions when he does not have evidence to prove it. 


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:32 PM

The evidence used to support his hypothesis wasn't very good and he thought it was tried and true -- until people started picking it apart. He wanted people to think outside the box, challenge ideas. Well, his notion was very poor and now he's not taken very seriously.

Again, i don't care if you think my comments were rude in the slightest; that's your bad not mine.


Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Lord of the Spinosaurs

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:32 PM

Actually I owe you an apology Carnosaur, you were just really correcting what I said. Although I still think you put it in sort of a rude way, you were just sort of correcting me I guess you could say.


There is no such thing as a pure predator. A meat-eater is eit

Lord of the Spinosaurs

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:33 PM

Tyrant King almost all the evidence AT THE TIME he presented the theory pointed to a scavenging T-Rex.


There is no such thing as a pure predator. A meat-eater is eit

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:38 PM



MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:49 PM

No, it most certainly did not point to T.rex being a scavenger.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:49 PM

you're overgeneralizing. And atm, i don't really feel like picking apart his evidence....maybe later though

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 6:59 PM

Jack horners "therory" was truly ignorant, bias, and was full of holes. He stated that t.rex could not hunt properly because it was simply to large. Yet he disent doubt the hunting prowess of a spinosaurs, this clearly shows his biasness. He was interviewed for jurrassic park 3. They wanted to know his thoughts on the predators of the movie and stated that spinosaurus was far more evolved for hunting and was a whale sized killer", that contradicted what he said about rex. He says rex is 6 tons and spino is like 12 tons yet rex, which is to big to hunt efficiently but spino is a super predator that " could have caused an extinction on the island" Which means he says a spino which is far bigger then rex is a better hunter. That is so messed up.

Lord of the Spinosaurs

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 7:17 PM
Here we go again with criticizing Jack Horner, Tyrant King you just said he was a good paleontologist because he found out Birds are Dinosaurs. Again, almost all the evidence AT THE TIME pointed to a scavenging T-Rex. And JP3 was made when there was not that much evidence suggesting T-Rex was a predator. BTW Horner is not really bias, he was just looking at the evidence AT THE TIME and came up with what seemed like the only logical conclusion, T-Rex was a scavenger.


There is no such thing as a pure predator. A meat-eater is eit

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 7:24 PM

You are missing the point. He said spinosaurus was a super predator but it is alot bigger the rex and he thinks rex is to big to hunt.

i do like him. I admire and respect him. Just not his theroy on t.rex


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 7:27 PM

do you have evidence for that claim?

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 7:32 PM

Yes! I just said it in my post! He clearly stated that he thought spino was a better hunter. I can't post the video for the hundreth time. But look up jack Horner interview on jurrasic park 3.


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 7:35 PM

Wasn't talking to you-- was addressing LoTS.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 7:38 PM

I thought you were LotS.


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 7:53 PM

xD day = made

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 8:03 PM

What does that mean?

i have to go to bed do lets continue this tomorow.


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 8:35 PM

XD = Laughing face.

And the rest is him stating that you confususing him for LotS made his day.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


MemberCompsognathusDec-04-2014 8:22 AM

Jack Horner is a good Paleontologist, he does a lot of work that the others are to afraid to do such as the grinding up bones that are to other scientists precious. and fragile. He dont care STRAIGHT IN he goes. BUT he discovers things like HEME which is a substance found in blood. his assistant recently found heme in a t rex skeleton. these are great discoveries. He is also trying to reverse engeneer a chicken and turn it into like a little COMPY. So the man does some good stuff for dinosaurs.

Reguarding the franchise. Because he was famous among the paleo's he got approached and gave his opinions. They went from his TREX scavenger opinion for the third film and thats y spino won the fight! He suggested a dinosaur which was bigger. And to help support HIS theory made it beat the REX. New evidence how ever states that the SPINO was a fish eater and more adapted for aquatic environment. so ON LAND, would probably have a disadvantage. For the movie this wasnt taken into concideration. its a coin toss who would win. animals that big just need to bite a throat and its game over pretty much. who ever gets it.

Horner also had a bit of rivalry with Robbert Bakker who is a TREX specialist, so it was a bit of a "f**k You" to him. If Bakker was the consultant, Rex would have won. its all opinion.


You can even tell horner is the consultant cos of the baby triceratops on the JW website. You ca see its horns curving backwards, when the adults go forwards. Thats his theory of Cranium onotony where they triceratops morph as they grow. I think its a silly theory because it doesnt happen to animals nower days! but then thats my opinion!

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusDec-04-2014 6:07 PM

Tyrant King, he wasn't talking to you. He was referring to LORD OF SPINOSAURS.


I shouldn't add to this topic, I have heard many stories from my boss about Mr. Horner. Not exactly positive stories. :/

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

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