Jurassic World Movies

Behind The Fence

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MemberCompsognathusNov-28-2014 5:25 AM

As seen on the official JW map, the island is divided by some kind of border fence, with the Jurassic World theme park on one side and NOTHING on the other. I think this detail could be very important for the movie plot.

2 Replies


MemberCompsognathusNov-28-2014 7:27 AM

The border fence looks really exciting. The concpt i have in my head is that it could be the old park ruins behind the fence. with the OLD dinosaurs still roaming in the wild. (like the poster)

Now that being said. It could also be where the Drex and raptor enclosures are!

now if the Drex enclosure is behind the fence an it goes looking for food, where is it going to go?? MAIN STREET :D That is where OWEN ( Chris Pratt) and his raptors come into things.

Now im 100% behind the raptor being trained enough to not kill him, with a plausible explaination. It looks f'ing awesome. I want a bike and a pack of raptors with me!!! If the raptors are trained enough to respond to ''ATTACK'' and ''BACK OFF'' or in the trailers case ''Stand down!" i cant see why ppl have a problem.

Lions and tigers are trained in sancturies everyday, you can go thailand and see that tomorrow! they can still kill you instantly! they just get giving a drug that calms them to a drousy state, as well as being risen from birth by humans. Now having PRATT'S character being the only raptor specialist and by the looks of it a habitant of the island it will make his character the most imporant. and very POWERFULL.

When the DREX breaks out of its enclosure that is when pratt and the raptors he has trained will go into the restricted section i believe. It could even be the other way round. Pratt could be in it and hunting D REX before it gets to the fence.

Either way i think the Drex is on its way to Main street to eat and pratt and the raptors are going to kick ass. its going to be the best action scene in movie history and i cant bloody wait.

Hopefully we might even get Rexy to be the triumphant hero and finish it off!!! that would well and truly make me cry with joy and everyone will be happy

- Rex ends up being the here and returns

- Raptors attack the DREX

-loads of ppl dying and getting trod and eaten



MemberCompsognathusNov-28-2014 8:45 AM


Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#

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