Jurassic World Movies

An Explanation

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noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusNov-25-2014 5:45 PM

Whenver I go look at the trailer, I see comments that say " The CGI sucks." The reason for this is that the CGI is not finished yet. Before you make this complaint, wait until you see the movie in theaters.

2 Replies


MemberCompsognathusNov-25-2014 6:05 PM

@Noah Eckeckenrode


Whatever you do...


Don't read/Reply to the comments you find on the Trailers on youtube. It's nothing more then Un-informed people looking to whine and complain...


Essentailly, That's the reason the Internet still exists and we aren't currently on mars.


Tee hee.




Most of the people who comment don't actually know how CGI Works and such. They just comment for the sake of it.


I try and stay out of it when I can, But I did see a Lot of hate comments on youtube too. 


I'd have to say the CG in the Trailer wasn't Horrible, it was considered acceptable by most CG Standards today, So it can only get better.


Conclusion: I agree.

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberAllosaurusNov-25-2014 6:17 PM

Yes, just saw the comments a while guy. Some idio- I mean unintelligent gentleman said that the movie was going to have bad plot, no character development, a dissapointment to the fans, and basically qualities that make up generally bad movies.


*Cough Cough I'm lookig at you, THE HOBBIT!!! And the Hunger Games!!!

Anyways, don't judge a movie fully until you've seen it. Like Paden said, try to stay away from the comments section if you're looking for unbiased statements.


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