Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Trailer (Bad Quality)

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MemberCompsognathusNov-24-2014 11:11 PM

Hi guys I know lotrs of people have posted this, but some got taken down, here it is, my first look, all the others were blocked/taken down:( But now I have seen this, so Hyped!






6 Replies

noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusNov-24-2014 11:28 PM

Enjoy it while you can, because Universal will take it down.


MemberTriceratopsNov-24-2014 11:44 PM

Chris Pratt sounds so badass in that scene.

"Stand down girl!"

I swore that I would never use this cuz it sounds so dumb, but...




MemberCompsognathusNov-25-2014 12:09 AM

I know right, so badass! 

Also if you play-pause-paly-pause etc. at 31-34 seconds you see the D-Rex eat the worker and Owen run out the enterence were the scratch marks are on those pics of the enclosure...

Pics from earlier this year



MemberCompsognathusNov-25-2014 12:12 AM

Also got to point out, most animals happen to be reffered to as her or girl...Meaning they might do what the original park did, that means that lego Red Rex might be the Rex since the females are Red/brown...


MemberCompsognathusNov-25-2014 2:49 AM

Was amazing vid! Gd news is that on top of that we now have a real gate instead of CGI. 


I hope the rex dont act all pussy cos o the d rex i want the rex to remain the main dude! 


Was class just to see it in moving pictures as appsed to images . the full 2 min trailer is gunna be out o this world in HD


AdminAllosaurusNov-25-2014 7:46 AM

Seems Universal has removed the video due to copyright. Gonna close this thread now. Let's all please just wait until the trailer is released properly and officially before posting it here on the site, tyvm. :)

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