Jurassic World Movies

Demon the Carnotaurus Chapters 13,14,15

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JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusNov-08-2014 5:34 PM

     Demon was for the first time in his life afraid. He was the strongest dinosaur on this island however, this Dino was nothing to mess with. Rexy the original Rex from Jurassic Park was now appearing from behind a building. It sniffed the air and looked straight in Demons direction. Demon remembered when the Rex chased him out of the jungle, when he broke his leg. Though Demon was about Rex height now. Not as big, but smarter, faster, and stealthy. The Rex started walking in Demons direction. Demon camouflaged and started heading towards the Rex.


      The Tyrannosaur still had no idea what was happening. Demon ran up to the Rex and bit it's neck. Rexy wailed in pain. Foam started appearing from its neck. Demon thought it was over. His bite killed everything, but now the Rex was even more pissed off. It let out a powerful roar and headbutted Demon. Both dinosaurs flashed their teeth. Demon camouflaged again and jumped up on the Rexes back knocking it to the ground. The Rex swung it's tail at Demon now breathing very heavily. Demon jumped back and tried biting again, but the Rex kicked him knocking the wind out of him. As Demon tried catching his breath he looked back at the fallen Rex and decided to walk away it was as good as dead. It's wound was three times the size. Demon left the site and headed back into the jungle to find the group of people from earlier.


      The jungle was filled with smaller dinosaurs microraptor packs of Compstegnathus and Compies, he also saw a few Parasaurolophus and edmontosaurus. He came upon a clearing where he remembered finding Muldoon's carcass. He saw the old raptor containment building. Their where tire tracks in the dirt road there. He continued that way. He found himself at his birth place, the old visitor center. He pushed open the doors and walked in. The building was filled with plant life the staircase was in ruins and glass was everywhere. He jumped up to the top of the staircase and contined down the hall to the room where he was born. The hatchery was empty. He saw broken eggs and saw a few fossilized baby Carnotaurus in the floor and bullet shells lying around their. They where shotgun shells. Muldoon he thought. He started heading out when he heard foot steps in the lobby. He continued walking towards the banister. "I'm telling you something is in hear I heard it" Shouted the youngest kid. The same group of people where here from earlier. He looked down and saw the guy that shot his knee. He looked at the wound and snarled. He slammed through the banister and jumped down blocking the doors. The group jumped and ran towards a giant hole in the side of the visitor center. The man that shot him was last to get out. Demon charged.


    They scrambled back into the SUV. They hit the gas and Demon jumped up into the bed. They sped through the jungle. Demon saw them through the glass screaming "GO, GO!" Demon gripped onto the roof and started ripping into the metal. He heard the sound of a helicopter flying nearby. He recognized the area this was where the old heli pad was located. About a half a mile ahead was where the chopper would be. Demon ripped the entire roof off the vehicle exposing those inside. The truck was about a hundred feet from the chopper. Demon was about to make the kill when something slammed into the truck throwing it into the side of a tree. Along with Demon.

    When he came to his sense Demon saw that the group was running towards the helicopter. He ran up and grabbed the man upside down by his legs. He was screaming firing his gun everywhere. Demon shook his and then felt a grip on the man. The D-Rex became visible. They ripped him in half spilling his guts. The helicopter took off leaving the D-Rex and Demon. The D-Rex charged Demon even after he spared its life. Demon returned the favor, but the creature grabbed hold of his neck and through him to the ground. Demon looked up and saw the bloody jaws of the D-Rex. It was over. He was finally beat. He closed his eyes. Nothing happened. He looked up and saw Rexy ripping into D-Rex. He looked in shock. The Rex looked at him and nodded. Demon got up and walked into the jungle.

   Demon lived the rest of his life on Isla Nublar. He was the king until Masarani Corp recaptured him. It is unsure what they plan to do with him, but soon enough we will find out.


Coming Soon: Chaos Effect Chapter 1

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W

1 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-08-2014 9:54 PM

JPCARNOTAUR - Hahaha! Wow, that was very fun to read! Thank you ever so much for your excellent work! :)

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