Jurassic World Movies

Demon the Carnotaurus Chapter 12

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JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusOct-04-2014 1:19 PM

     Demon looked down at his knee it was bleeding but luckily the bullet fell out. He slowly continued on the search for the truck. After a few minutes he came upon main street of Jurassic World. The streets where nearly empty. Trash was everywhere as well as a few blood stains on the concrete. Demon was starving and searched for food. Walking down the path he heard a loud roar. A few feet away he found himself face to face with two Metricanthosaurus.

     They where smaller than Demon. He could easily pick off one, but two he didn't know. They where fighting over a Gallimumus carcass. They turned to face Demon. They stared at him for a few seconds and roared. Demon camouflaged. The two dinosaurs looked confused. One minute a dinosaur was standing in front of them the next it wasn't. They stated to continue their meal. Demon crept up on them. They where still eating their meal when Demon grabbed one in his jaws and threw it at one of the buildings. A fallen piece of wood impaled it threw its side, as it's wound started pouring out the yellowish foam from Demons poisonous bite. The other one was startled unsure of what just happened. Demon turned visible again. The Metricanthosaurus flashed its teeth and charged at Demon. Demon returned the favor. They both ran head first at eachother. Demon was faster. The impact was catastrophic. Demon hit so hard that the Metricantosaurus' skull pushed back breaking its neck and cracking its skull. It let out a horrible scream before it's eyes rolled into the back of its head.

   Demon had defeated his foes. He turned to look at the one that was impaled. It was still moving trying to get free. Demon walked over, roared in its face and snapped its neck. He roared in triumph. He began eating his meal until he heard a familiar sound. A sound that haunted him to this day. The sound of the earth shaking beneath this creatures feet. It's shadow appearing from the side of a building. Demon began to run.

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W

1 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-04-2014 2:05 PM

Nice chapter, looking forward to seeing what this beast is, and how the King of Jurassic World is involved. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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