Jurassic World Movies

Protecatops vs three Velceraptors

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MemberCompsognathusSep-04-2014 12:47 PM
im asking the size of Protecratops is exactly I read they post to weight 900lbs, 3ft tall, and length 8ft long? true or false What the jaw strength of Protecratops since they strong jaws are powerful enough to break Velceraptors limbs must be like 450lbs maybe yes or no How strong is Protecratops like for tackeling their enemy? in the fight against 3 Velceraptors how many can get killed and get hurt? Being small it must have great armor for being endurable for Velceraptors true or false How tall is Velceraptor at the head 2.5 tall not hip
4 Replies

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusSep-04-2014 1:50 PM

Protoceratops could break veli's leg.

i agree wih the protoceratops sizes.

3 would be enough but one would die and the second injured.

ceratopsiàns in general had strong bites,protoceratops  was no ecxeption.

they had defenseses like protective frill. Powerful bite. And skin like 2 inches thick.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusSep-04-2014 2:19 PM

I'd say 3 Velociraptors could definately take out a Protoceratops.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberTriceratopsSep-04-2014 8:30 PM

Yeah, i'd say that too. Don't we have a preserved fossil somewhere of -one- raptor fighting a protoceratops to the death? Then surely three would be too much for it.


MemberCompsognathusSep-05-2014 10:27 AM

^ yes, we have that. Remarkable fossil, really. And it appears that 1 v 1 ended in a stalemate, The Velociraptor's toe claw imbedded in the Protoceratops' chest, while The Ceratopsian crushed the Dromaeosaurs arm with its beak. If mother nature didn't kill them both off, they surely would have died anyway.

1 is a pretty equal match for a protoceratops, two would be well more then enough. 3 is just overkill

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

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