Jurassic World Movies

Demon the Carnotaurus Chapter 5

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JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusAug-24-2014 1:11 PM

     Demon awoke inside a small paddock with concrete walls and a small glass view area. He struggled to get up with his tiny arms and on top of that he felt weak. He saw Muldoon staring at him through the glass. Demon charged at the glass and slammed hard but Muldoon just stood their. Demon fell back. "Stupid dinosaur. The glass and walls are indestructible. Muldoon walked down the platform. Demon looked at the sky above which was now filled with thunder clouds.

      Muldoon walked into the control room. "Our little problems been fixed." Muldoon had to watch what he said. A woman named Ellie Sattler was in the room with them. She was one of the people who may endorse the park. He looked at the computer screen as he heard the first boom of thunder.

      Demon looked up at the thunder and lightening clouds. That's when he heard a buzzing sound. It slowly died and he realized it was the power turning off. He charged at the concrete walls. Nothing happened. Again he charged. A small crack appeared. He gave it one last shove and the whole wall collapsed he once again had freedom on the island.

 12 hours later:


      The island was in ruins Demon wandered along the tour road. Their was a flock of Gallimumus, a lone triceratops, and a proceratosaurus. Demon wandered over to the velociraptor paddock and on his way through the woods he stepped on something. He backed up looked down and found Muldoon's carcass. Serves him right, he thought. He bent down and finished what was left. He always though it would be him who killed Muldoon.


        He continued on until he heard a Helicopter hovering above. He made out Hammond in one of the seats. He roared at the top of his lungs but It wasn't that loud since he was only a month old. The jungles where filled with the sounds of dinosaurs. Then he felt a searing pain in his leg. He roared and turned to face a velociraptor bitting his leg.. They where about the same height and both where deadly.


     The raptor attacked first, it jumped on his back, slashing into his sides with its toe claws. He shook it off and took a quick bit and realized he bit part of its tail. The raptor squealed, but contined the attack. It charged at his side and knocked Demon down. It's jaws where right near Demons neck. It looked like it was all over, when the raptors eyes turned pure black and it passed out. It started twitching and whiteish yellow foam poured out of its mouth. Demon got up and looked at the raptor. He split it's belly spilling its intestines and dug in. The raptor still twitching. Then the ground started vibrating. Demon knew what it was. He always watched this animal. It was way bigger that Demon and its jaws had the power to bite Demon in half without even trying. A blood curling roar filled the jungle. Demon was staring right at a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W

7 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-24-2014 1:15 PM

Nice chapter as per usual, looking forward to the next one. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusAug-24-2014 1:17 PM

Nice cliffhanger!

"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"

"Jurassic park: The Lost World"

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusAug-24-2014 1:21 PM

Muldoon died!!!

JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusAug-24-2014 1:26 PM

Thank you guys also super predator I was trying to make m. Story realistic to the movie. Though I debated on weither or not to kill off Muldoon as I kept him alive in my other two stories.

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusAug-24-2014 1:42 PM

I like it. But I wonder how he ddied and in my new series there are a lot of mysterious or awesome deaths..........


MemberAllosaurusAug-24-2014 1:59 PM

Well, good chapter, but still a little sad Muldoon died. Well, he survives in the book, and this is your story, so keep it the way you want.


JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusAug-24-2014 3:32 PM

Thank you and again it's ment to be more like the movie. I though about keeping Muldoon alive like in my other stories, but I decided to change it up.

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W

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