Jurassic World Movies

Clash of the titans: fight for food

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MemberCompsognathusAug-21-2014 5:30 AM



-nickname: Ghost

- lenght: 9m

- weight: 2t


Ghost is a male albertosaurus.Two weeks ago an other albertosaurus challenged him.The challenger defeated him and become the new leader of Ghost’s pack.



- nickname: Crocjaw

- lenght:9 m

- weight: 2,5t


Crocjaw is an old male Baryonx.He’s mainly a fisher,but that’s not mean that he is defendless against other predators.




It was morning when Ghost looking for a meal.He din’t eat since last weak and now he’s very hungry.

A few minutes later he got the scent of something.He decided to investigate what is it,and he started to follow the trail.The scent took him to the river.The scent come from a big fish that lied on the ground.Ghost went closer to eat from it,but as soon as he started to eat he heard a growl behind him.


It was Crocjaw,the old Baryonyx.Ghost is eating his meal,but he won’t let it without a fight.The two carnivore started to walk in circles,they growled and hissed at each other.Ghost attacked first, he rushed Crocjaw,but he quichly sidestepped and pushed Ghost away.Ghost didn’t fall down,he quickly turned back and roared to Crocjaw.


Ghost grabbed his arm,but before he could broke it Crocjaw grabbed his neck.He released Crocjaw’s arm and stepped back.Crocjaw roared at Ghost,hoping that he’ll give up,but instead that Ghost rushed again.Crocjaw hit his head with hi’s arms,and his claws spotted Ghost’s eye and made some wound in his face.


Ghost roared in pain, he blinded for half eye.Than Crocjaw  pushed him and he falled to thee ground.Crocjaw walked to him and wanted to finish this,but than suddenly he felt pain in his legs.He looked down and saw that Ghost mauling his leg.He roared in pain,stepped back, and fall on the ground.


He stood up,but something pushed him into the river.It was Ghost,using the situation he stood up before Crocjaw and become ready for an other round.Crocjaw disappeared under the water.Ghost walked closer and sniffed the water.Than suddenly Crocjaw emerged from the water,grabbed Ghost’s throat and pulled him into the water.


Everything become quiet for a few minutes.Than the water become red from blood, and few seconds later Ghost’s dead body came up first.Crocjaw pulled the carcass to the ground and roared in victory.


Alternative ending:


He stood up,but something pushed him into the river.It was Ghost,using the situation he stood up before Crocjaw and become ready for an other round.Crocjaw disappeared under the water.Ghost walked closer and sniffed the water.The water turned red,than a few minutes later a Deinosuchus appeared and swim away with the dead Crocjaw in it’s mouth.


Original winner:Baryonyx


Alternative winner:Alberosaurus



My blog:http://prehistoric-world.blogspot.hu/
4 Replies

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusAug-21-2014 5:49 AM

Nice fight rooting for croc jaw 

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-21-2014 5:58 AM

Nice fight, I was rooting for Ghost. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusAug-21-2014 7:38 AM

Good fight rooting for Ghost

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!


MemberCompsognathusAug-21-2014 7:56 AM

Nice! Was rooting for ghost.

"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"

"Jurassic park: The Lost World"

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