Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World dawn of chaos part 3, the raptors plan

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MemberCompsognathusAug-19-2014 3:30 PM

 Henry and Malcom were carrying Hamada as they walked through the tropical forest on Isla Nublar, along with Zena and some of the other raptors. Malcom was talking to Zena about her plan to help save Jurassic World in order for her freedom. "I will basically herd the herbivorous dinosaurs into their paddocks, with some help from the other raptors, and you can somehow get the large carnivourous dinosaurs into their paddocks so they stay their. Once the dinosaurs are all in their paddocks we can turn the fences back on" said Zena. "You have a much bigger vocabulary than Matri" said Malcom. "I just try harder to learn english" answered Zena. "Where is Matri?" asked Malcom, who had just noticed her absence. "She said she needed to protect her children" answered Zena. "Whats your name?" asked Malcom. "Zena" answered Zena. Hamada started to wake up, so Henry and Malcom sat him down against a tree. "Theres a velociraptor!" shouted Hamada when he had woken up. "Its okay, they are on our side, they can talk" explained Malcom, hoping he could calm Hamada down. Hamada calmed down a little bit, and then said "explain". "The raptors have learned to talk, they have made tools and now they are going to help us fix Jurassic World" answered Malcom. Malcom continued to explain about the raptors to Hamada, and when he had finished it started to get late. Suddenly it started to rain heavily and Malcom started to gather large log like branches that had fallen off of trees. "What are you doing?" asked Henry. "I'm building a shelter" answered Malcom. "Why?" asked Henry. "Because one, its getting dark, two, its raining and three, we need somewhere to stay for the night" answered Malcom. Henry and Hamada started to build shelters too, and they helped the raptors to build some of their own. Soon they had built shelters. Malcom got a plastic cup from out of his pocket, and held it out in the rain so it would fill up. Once it had filled up, he put it down on the ground. "So, what do we do now?" asked Henry once he had come over to Malcoms shelter. "Isn't it obvious, we wait until morning and then set off" answered Malcom. "Is that cup rippling?" asked Henry. Malcom looked at the cup, and saw it was vibrating with round ripples in it, something all to familiar. "Everyone, get into the shelters" said Malcom loudly and clearly. Everyone did as he said, when suddenly a small dinosaur walked out into the clearing in front of them. It had the body of an ornithopod and the head of a ceratopsian. It looked like a crime against nature, but at the same time it was cute. Just as Malcom was thinking this, a T. rex burst into the small clearing and grabbed the dinosaur. It shook it violently before swallowing it. The T. rex bellowed a loud roar before walking back into the forest. after this, Henry, Hamada, Malcom, Zena and the other raptors, settled down and went to sleep.

Henry woke up during the night, and was suprised to see Malcom was awake and sitting up in his shelter. Henry walked over to him and asked "Why are you awake?" "I could ask you the same question, but I know you've probably just woken up, so i'll tell you. I can't sleep, so I'm watching everything thats here when your asleep, I've seen a herd of Iquanadon, a Scelidosaurus, a few Othnielia and a Scansoriopteryx" answered Malcom. Suddenly a group of Mei long came into view. They played around for a while, and then left. "What were they?" asked Malcom. "Mei long" answered Henry. "Theres something worse than the D. rex" said Henry for no apparent reason. "What could be worse than the D. rex?" asked Malcom in a slightly shocked voice. "I'm tired, so I'll tell you in the morning, but there is something worse than the D. rex" answered Henry. Henry got up, and walked back to his shelter, whilst Malcom wondered what it could be.

7 Replies

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusAug-19-2014 3:40 PM

nice. are you new here?


MemberCompsognathusAug-19-2014 3:58 PM

I've been a member since july the 18th 2014, so I don't know wether this is a long time or a short time.

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusAug-19-2014 4:01 PM

well i joined august 7th 2014


MemberCompsognathusAug-19-2014 4:14 PM

Nice chapter,  and Px He dosne'tpost much 

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberCompsognathusAug-19-2014 5:37 PM

Nice chapter!

"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"

"Jurassic park: The Lost World"


MemberCompsognathusAug-19-2014 7:51 PM

Whats worse then a D. Rex


MemberCompsognathusAug-19-2014 7:59 PM

Not much. D. rex was pretty much bred to kill everything. As for the minimum requirement to stop one...

An M1 Abrams with thermal sights.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#

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