Jurassic World Movies

In regards to the ultimate artwork i promised you all :)

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MemberTriceratopsAug-18-2014 2:10 PM

Hello guys, ok few months ago before i had left when i became a father, i promised you guys that i would be doing an artwork piece that would captivate you all and i plan to deliever. ;)

So what is this masterpiece you all might be wondering? Well as i am getting nearer to completing the godzilla graphic novel that i am working on, just hang tight it will be coming. Best possible date i can provide right now will be as of late as november, but trust me it will be worth it. :)

The artwork is not going to feature a divine winner, but having a leader of both team spino and team rex about to go head to head.

So hang tight guys, it is coming soon. :)

For those who are curious about what style of artwork i can do, you all might be interested in seeing this link to the godzilla artwork i have done in the past. ;)



http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

8 Replies

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusAug-18-2014 2:12 PM

Hey BBB Hhavent talked to you in a long time:)

looking forward to artwork 


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-18-2014 2:12 PM

Looking forward to it, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusAug-18-2014 2:13 PM

Cool. I'm sure it will be woth the wait.

"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"

"Jurassic park: The Lost World"


MemberTriceratopsAug-18-2014 2:14 PM

Thanks guys and yes i hope it turns out the way that i intend for it to. ;)

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberCompsognathusAug-18-2014 2:41 PM

I hope its as awsome as your other works

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberTriceratopsAug-18-2014 2:42 PM

^You never know it might turn out better or just as good. ;)

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberAllosaurusAug-18-2014 3:44 PM

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!!!



MemberCompsognathusAug-18-2014 4:21 PM

Can't wait!

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