Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World dawn of chaos part 2, pack hunters

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MemberCompsognathusAug-05-2014 3:40 PM

Henry and Malcom walked into the main security building, and met Hamada at the entrance. "What happened?" asked Hamada. "The fences are down, everyone needs to leave this island" said Malcom. Suddenly, there was a roar that could clearly be heard. Malcom remembered that roar, it was the D. rex. Malcom grabbed Hamadas walkie talkie and set it to loud speaker. "We need to get to the roof" said Malcom, before nothing crashed through the wall. The security guards ran up the stairs, along with Malcom, Henry and Hamada. One of the security guards was picked up by nothing and thrown against the wall. Henry, Malcom, Hamada and the most of the security guards reached the roof. Without warning, the building started to move, and it was clear it would soon crumble to the ground. They all ran to a security shelter on the roof, that Henry had pointed too. Once they were inside, Malcom asked Hamada "Can this shelter be tossed around". "Yes it can. Oh by the way, you need to strap yourself in" replied Hamada. They strapped themselves in as quickly as possible, and as soon as they had they done that, the whole building fell down. Once the security shelter had come to a stop, Malcom spat to tell which way they were. They were upright. The security guards unstrapped themselves, and started to walk towards the exit. "I wouldn't do that, have you ever heard of the phrase curiosity killed the cat?" asked Malcom. "I can't hear any footsteps, so theres no dino out there" replied one of the guards in a new york accent. The guards all got out, but Malcom insisted they shut the door whilst he, Henry and Hamada were in there. "What did I tell you guys, no dino" said the security guard, before the D. rex materialised out of nowhere, and killed them. "I told them it was a bad idea, but they didn't listen" said Malcom. The shelter suddenly shook, and it was evident the D. rex had it in its jaws. It walked about a mile, and then threw the shelter to the ground. Malcom did the spit test again, and Hamda checked the security cameras on his screen, that was built into his walkie talkie. "The Diablo rex is over at the Camptosaurus exhibit, we have three miles between us and the Dinosaur" said Hamada. "Just out of question, what species is it?" asked Malcom. "The Camptosaurus species is C. dispar" answered Henry. They left the shelter, and started to figure out which way to go. It was decided they should head west, as that was where the nearest dock was, and they set off.

They reached an area with a large amount of trees, and they walked through it with caution. As they were walking halfway through, a small fox sized dinosaur landed on Henrys back. "Get it off me!" shouted Henry. Hamada quickly drew his stun gun from its holder and zapped the dinosaur. He had set it to low. It was a small therapod, with a horn on its nose. "Is it Proceratosaurus?" asked Malcom."No, its a Ornitholestes" answered Hamada. "I thought they only ate small reptiles and mammals?" asked Malcom. "We now Know they are pack hunters, like velociraptor" answered Hamada. All of a sudden, the treetops erupted with screeches, and several Ornitholestes jumped down onto them. Hamada started stunning them, but there were too many to handle. Malcom kicked them off of him, whilst Henry tried to run away from them. Hamada managed to get them off of him, and started to help Malcom and Henry. He couldn't stun the ones on the others, as they were touching them so the stun would affect Henry and Malcom. He helped kick the ones off of Malcom, but one of the dinos jumped onto Hamadas legs. Hamada managed to remove it off of his leg, then threw it to the ground and stunned it. He finished the last of them off, and then helped Henry and Malcom up. Just as it seemed it was over, they heared a screech coming from a bush. Hamada turned round, and a Ornitholestes jumped at him. Before it could get him, Zena grabbed the dinosaur in her jaws and threw it to the ground. The Ornitholestes scampered off, and Zena turned to face Hamada. "I can help you save Jurassic World, if you let me and the other raptors leave this island" said Zena. "did it just talk!" exclaimed Hamada in a quiet but suprised voice. "We forgot to mention that, but now I can tell you why they can do that" answered Malcom. Hamada froze, and then fainted. Henry went to help Hamada, whilst Malcom walked up to Zena. "You must be the raptor who fancies Matris mate" said Malcom. "Yes, now can we discuss me helping you so I can leave this prison forever?" asked Zena. Malcom thought about this, and said "What can you do to help us?"

1 Replies


MemberCompsognathusAug-05-2014 6:00 PM

Really good story JW

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 
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