Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World dawn of chaos part 1, life will not be contained

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MemberCompsognathusJul-31-2014 3:03 PM

Well done to the people who guessed the dinosaur correctly, although only one of you put a suggestion for the story in the PM you sent me. I will write the first part today, but you won't hear from me for a couple of days. I'm going to sussex for 3 days, but I'll be back here in time to write the second part. I live in London, so I'll be here when its 13:00-15:00 in certain parts of America. Enjoy :)

Henry and Malcom were walking to a special conference which was being held for the investors of Jurassic World, so that they could ask questions concerning the park. They decided to stop at a enclosure with a very familiar dinosaur in it. The sign read Coelophysis, and thats just what was in there. The enclosure was not thick jungle, but a wide open landscape, which was inhabbited with plants like horsetails. The Coelophysis were scampering all around, and some were feeding on what appeared to be a crocodile carcase. "Whats that their eating?" asked Malcom. "Saltwater crocodile, we get them from the RSPCA in Australia. Sometimes, a crocodile is to weak from fighting, and it dies. We get it shipped over here once its died, so that dinosaurs like Coelophysis can eat them, it helps reduce stress levels. During the late Triassic period, there was an animal around called Postosuchus, and if a predatory dinosaur found a dead one, they would eat it. We know this because we have evidence of them eating it from the marks on bones, so we sometimes feed them crocodiles to make them feel at home" replied Henry in a very unnecessesarily long answer. "How do you grow horsetails in Costa Rica?" asked Malcom. "They can't breed without our help, just like domesticated bananas" replied Henry. They moved onto the next enclosure, which said that Liliensternus was in there. Suddenly, one of the Liliensternus ran out into the open view of the enclosure. It was chasing a large rat, which was cat sized. The Liliensternus caught up with the rat, and grabbed it in its jaws. It shook the rat violently, and then gulped it down. Henry and Malcom stared, speechless, before moving on to the Dilophosaurus enclosure. Malcom realised it was a timeline of the evolution of Coelophysis to Dilophosaurus, and Liliensternus was the half-way genus. As they came to the exhibit, Malcom noticed something about the fences, something bad. The lights were off. He tugged Henry, and once Henry had realised the same thing, Malcom said " We need to get to the conference now. we need to run". They ran towards the conference building, and Malcom was more scared then he was at Jurassic Park.

Over in the conference hall, the investors were waiting for the conference to begin, so they just had some food from the snack table. Conferences like this happened every year, and every year the investors were satisfied that Jurassic World was flawless. Malcom and Henry were almost at the conference building, which was like a small building on the outside and a conference hall on the inside. Suddenly, They froze, as a big lumbering shape came into view. It was an ankylosaur, and it was huge. "What dinosaur it this?" whispered Malcom to Henry. Henry thought about what exhibit was nearest, and whispered back "Its Tarchia, its one of the largest of the Asian ankylosaurs". The tourists were cowering in a corner of a fence, and as they did, one of the tourists got up and threw a rock at the dinosaurs head. "That was the worst mistake in the whole history of mistakes" whisperd Malcom. The Tarchia made a low pitched bellow, swung its big tail from side to side, and charged towards the conference building. In the building, the investors were happily waiting for the conference to start in a few minutes, when a massive tail with a club at the end swung through the window and crashed through the wall. The Tarchia continued doing this, as the screams were provoking it more. Eventually, it settled down, and walked away. Henry and Malcom ran to the building and when they got there they wished they were wearing blindfolds. There were no survivors, just bodies and blood. Henry walked into a corner and threw up. Malcom looked around for an emergency button, and found one on the wall. He pushed it, and a siren sounded, with the words "EMERGENCY EVACUATION, PLEASE GO TO THE NEAREST ASSEMBLY POINT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE". Malcom made sure Henry was done throwing up, and then headed for a nearby building.

Matri heard the words coming from the speaker, and the word emergency was enough to tell her something was wrong. She called her chicks over, and ordered them into her nest. She looked into the distance, and saw a Charcaradontosaurus crash through a fence.

3 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJul-31-2014 5:15 PM

good chapter, looking forward to what this becomes

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusJul-31-2014 7:21 PM

Cool and hope to see more soon.


Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.


MemberCompsognathusAug-04-2014 3:56 PM

great chapter JW

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 
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