MemberCompsognathusJul-27-2014 4:25 AMMillions of years ago,one day four eggs in a nest were going to hatch.Soon one egg hatched and juvinile utahraptor came out and looked at the other eggs.After that all the other three eggs started to hatch and the juviniles came out.Suddenly three young deinonychuses came and started attacking the juvinile utahraptors but then only two utahraptors came running and one of them kicked the deinonychuses.It was the juvinile's parents. And then the other two deinonychuses ran away because they knew that they are less ferocious,and less smaller than them.
Afterthe adult utahraptors they looked at their juviniles and they saw that the juvinile that the utahraptor that hatched was having a scar shaped like fire on his head.From that day only he was called Fire.
Sorry for interupting but we want to tell you about the other dinos which are going to come till the end of the chapter and their story.
Fire-utahraptor-Fearless and brave and not afraid from fire.Scare shaped like fire on his head,red skin and black stripes and is also the leader of utahraptor pack
Slash-utahraptor-Fast and ferocious.He is having he largest finger claws and toe claws including the sicle shaped claw of all his brothers.Blue in colour and dark blue strips
Stinger-utahraptorFaster than any one of his brothers Stinger could run fast countiuously for a long time. White in colour and havin black spots
Scare-utahraptor-He is the most ferocious utahraptor of all of his brothers and more razor sharp teeth.Brown in colour and dark brown stripes
Fang tooth-acrocanthosaurus-Having two fangs inside his mouth,this acrocanthosaurus is both the greatest enemy of the utahraptor pack and the killer of Fire's parents.Green in colour and is having dark green stripes
Brow-acrocanthosaurus-He is having a broken jaw which makes it difficulty for eating so he has to use his claws for killing and tearing his prey.Middle yellow colour skinand normal yellow stripes.
Razor-utahraptor-Fire's dad.He is having razor sharp claws.Is black in colour and whenever gets in a fight always finishes it and never runs away.
sharp-Fire's mom.Her sharp teeth could pierce throuh flesh.Is purple in colour and packs a punch.

MemberCompsognathusJul-27-2014 6:26 AMWelcome to the forums, Good first story

MemberCompsognathusJul-27-2014 6:52 AMNice start, welcome to the fourms.
"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"
"Jurassic park: The Lost World"

Primal King
MemberCompsognathusJul-27-2014 11:18 AMHuh, I live in Utah. And I'm an assistant and tour guide to the biggest dinosaur museum in the world. (Assistant o the paleontologist who works there.) So, if you have any questions or info about the animals featured in your story, I'm your guy. Welcome to Scified!
"If you can't see it... It's already too late."
-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

MemberCompsognathusJul-27-2014 12:20 PMWelcome to the forumns! Cool story too.
Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#
UCMP 118742
MemberCompsognathusJul-27-2014 12:56 PMWElcome and nice story.
Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

MemberCompsognathusJul-27-2014 2:02 PMWelcome to the forums and great story!
@Primal King What museum do you work at?
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!

Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-27-2014 4:09 PMNice start, looking forward to seeing more from you.
Welcome to the forums, I'm Mr.Happy9097, one of the JW forum moderators. If you need help with anything at all, just ask anyone here.
Jack of all trades. Master of none