Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-24-2014 3:15 AMDD9097RS Finale Tyrannosaurus Rex vs Yangchuanosaurus vs Utahraptor
Weight: Nine tons
Defeated: Daspletosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Allosaurus
Fatalities: All but Daspletosaurus
Wounds acquired: Cuts and bruises
Wounds healed:
All Extra information: Hasn't left his territory since Allosaurus battle
Weight: Five tons
Defeated: Mapusaurus, Tarbosaurus, Tyrannotitan
Fatalities: All
Wounds acquired: Cuts, bruises, small fractures
Wounds healed: All
Extra information: Confident with his abilities, thinks he's ready for vengeance
Weight: One ton
Defeated: Acrocanthosaurus, Spinosaurus, Neovenator, Yutyrannus
Fatalities: All but Yutyrannus
Wounds acquired: Cuts, bruises, fractures
Wounds healed: All
Extra information: None
Thunder boomed as lightning cracked. It was the first storm in almost a month. The island was dry. Plant life was slowly dying, and the herbivores were going with it. Predators thrived in this time of desperation for the herbivores. Lightning hit a dead tree, and it ignited. More trees caught fire as the flames spread, and pretty soon, fire was the only thing to be seen on this clear Isla Nublar night.
The Tyrannosaurus stood at the top of the volcano. The limited plant life on its edges had died and collapsed a week earlier. The Tyrannosaurus had nothing to fear from the fire, and he watched as countless animals ran away. He watched as predators attacked the panicking herbivores, and he watched as predators attacked panicking predators. In the limited time he had been watching, he witnessed the death of at least four different dinosaurs, and he was waiting to watch one be burned alive.
A Parasaurolophus looked everywhere for an escape. He was caught in the centre of a small clearing, embers raining down on him, slowly burning his flesh. A tree collapsed, and it landed next to him. The clearing was cut in half, and time was running out. The Parasaurolophus was trapped, and another tree fell. The Parasaurolophus was the first of many to be claimed by the fire tonight.
The Utahraptor was running as fast as he could. He was easily outrunning the fire, but he was trying to keep as much distance between him and the stampeding herbivores as he could. He found a large tree near the central watering hole, and he quickly jumped into it. It was still green, and he watched as flames engulfed the area around him. The tree he was in caught on fire though, and the Utahraptor quickly found an escape route. He was heading north.
The Yangchuanosaurus is in the middle of a clearing. He, much like the Parasaurolophus, is trapped in the centre. He was avoiding the large embers, and then a tree collapsed. It wasn't much, but he jumped onto it and ran along it, through the bushes. He was clear of the worst of the fire, but he wasn't home free yet. He ran as fast as he could, and he quickly hit a dead end. He looked down the cliff. The carcass of a Juratyrant was at the bottom. Another tree collapsed, and a family of Yutyrannus ran across it, two chicks in the jaws of each adult. The Yangchuanosaurus ran across it as well, and he watched the family start running along the edge. He went north.
The Utahraptor started running along the river. He passed by the skeleton of a Titanoceratops. It was a large animal, but he saw that something had got a solid hot on its spine. He kept going, and after a mile, he saw the body of a Giganotosaurus. He didn't look it over, but it looked like it was swarmed. Farther up the river, he saw the body of the Acrocanthosaurus, and on the other side, the Spinosaurus. He kept going, knowing what happened to them.
The Yangchuanosaurus ran past a clearing, and he saw the bodies of two Neovenators. There was little bone damage to either, but the ground around the bodies was still darker than the rest of the ground. Something tore them apart.
The Utahraptor was still running when a Daspletosaurus stepped on the path. It payed no attention to him, and went around a corner. The Utahraptor looked where the Daspletosaurus had come from, and a grassland was on fire. The Utahraptor reached a clearing, and a Stegosaurus was in the middle. The Stegosaurus didn't let him get past, and it tried to kill him. The Utahraptor avoided the attack, and a tree fell down, landing on the Stegosaurus's tail. The Utahraptor ran at the Stegosaurus, jumped onto him, and then jumped out of the clearing.
The Yangchuanosaurus was still heading north when he past a nest. In it was the skeleton of a Carnotaurus, a Styracosaurus, and a Neovenator. This was a predator nest, but the owners had left. He continued, and eventually, he hit the base of the volcano. He looked up it, and saw nothing but rocks and fallen trees. The trees were small and spaced out. There was no danger from fire up here.
The Tyrannosaurus saw the Yangchuanosaurus at the base of the volcano, and he growled. A second Tyrannosaurus joined him. He looked at her and nodded his head, gesturing to the Yangchuanosaurus. The female grunted and turned around. The Tyrannosaurus was ready to fight.
The Utahraptor was still running when he reached another clearing. This one was large, and a tree was in it. Under the tree, was the crumpled remains of a Carcharodontosaurus. The Utahraptor looked at it for a moment, and then saw the tree was hit with a high amount of force. He rested for a minute, but quickly headed for the volcano. He watched a female Utahraptor run by, and he was going to go after her, but he decided he would track her down once the fire died down.
The Yangchuanosaurus went up the volcano. This is where he was heading, and now he's here. He didn't know what to expect. This area was a wasteland. There was no protection from the elements other than a cave he saw near the top and a few rocks. There were few trees to start with, and now there are none. Skeletons littered the area, ranging from three foot long raptors to seventy foot sauropods. The Yangchuanosaurus didn't know what he was expecting of a Tyrannosaurus territory, but he wasn't surprised for some reason. Everywhere he stepped, rocks slid down the slope. He stepped on a surprisingly soft spot, and at the same time as rock giving out, one of the skeletons tumbled down.
The Utahraptor reached the base of the volcano at a different part. He saw skeletons everywhere, but he walked up a path that was about five feet wide. The path was wider than any path he had seen before. It was worn down and the rocks compacted. As he walked, he looked at the skeletons. Most of them had crushed neck vertebrae, and the ones that didn't had crushed rib cages. The Utahraptor had never seen anything like this before. He knew he was in the territory of something large. He wasn't sure, but he thought he was in the territory of the most feared predator on the island, Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The Tyrannosaurus watched the Yangchuanosaurus for several minutes. He was making slow progress, the rocks sliding down bringing him with them. He looked at his mate for a moment. She was heading into the cave. He watched as she disappeared into it, and then brought his focus back to the Yangchuanosaurus. Nothing knew anything about the cave, other than the Tyrannosaurus and his mate, and he will defend it with his life.
The squeaking of the Tyrannosaurus hatchlings was quickly silenced by the female. She knew that they were in possible danger, and she grunted. The chicks went silent, and the female lied down. The chicks curled up next to her, and she watched the entrance, ready to fight if she needed to. She had full faith in her mate to win, but he always made sure she knew to be prepared in case something happened.
The Tyrannosaurus was hiding behind a rock now. In the darkness, the Yangchuanosaurus hadn't spotted him. The Yangchuanosaurus was too focused on where he was stepping to look more than twenty feet ahead of him. The Tyrannosaurus could hear him coming, and he pulled his head back in anticipation, ready to rush forward and kill the Yangchuanosaurus in an instant.
The Yangchuanosaurus reached the rock the Tyrannosaurus was behind, and he stopped. The Tyrannosaurus heard him stop, but he remained motionless, his breathing coming long and silent. He wasn't about to blow his position now. The Yangchuanosaurus had an eerie feeling he was being watched, and he climbed the rock the Tyrannosaurus was behind. He looked everywhere, and he saw the Utahraptor walking up the path, but there wasn't a sign of the Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus heard the Yangchuanosaurus climb the rock, and he looked up. The Yangchuanosaurus had his head sticking over the edge, and he was focused on something. The Tyrannosaurus looked in that direction, and he saw the Utahraptor. He almost roared, but he knew something that small wouldn't dare stick around his mate.
The Tyrannosaurus focused on the Yangchuanosaurus, and he waited. The Yangchuanosaurus looked down, and the Tyrannosaurus was there, staring at him. The Yangchuanosaurus roared, and the Tyrannosaurus roared back. The Tyrannosaurus moved some, facing the Yangchuanosaurus head on. The Yangchuanosaurus flashed his teeth and stood up. The Tyrannosaurus flashed his teeth and growled. The Yangchuanosaurus knew this is the time he's been waiting for, and he jumped. The Tyrannosaurus lunged for the Yangchuanosaurus, jaws agape, and the Yangchuanosaurus was ready to counter.
Read the rest of the fight when I post it sometime this week, you won't be disappointed.
Did I ever mention I was doing something never before seen in a fight here on these forums? Because here it is, two part fight.
Jack of all trades. Master of none

MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 5:00 AMCool, and yes you did say that you were doing something never done in a fight. Rooting for Utahraptor in the finale.
"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"
"Jurassic park: The Lost World"
UCMP 118742
MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 6:17 AMNow that's what I call an amazing cliff hanger. I can't wait for the next one.
Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Sci-Fi King25
MemberAllosaurusJul-24-2014 7:04 AMWow. This is amazing. I'll still be rooting for Utahraptor, but I'm expecting Tyrannosaurus to win.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Rex Fan 684
MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 7:14 AMCurse you cliffhangers!!!
Haha, nicely done. Rooting for T.rex of course.

Spinosaurus Rex
MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 7:39 AMPreety cool fight, i like the cliffhanger. I guess you guys are wondering why ive not been posting fights. The reason being is that there are all kinds of fights being posted by you guys, so im gonna wait till there arent quite an abundance ;)

Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-24-2014 7:45 AMThanks guys.
S-Rex, I've got the second part of this, then one last bonus fight, and I'm done posting a series for a while.
Jack of all trades. Master of none

Spinosaurus Rex
MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 7:58 AMAlrighty then, hopefully the last part is a shocker.

Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-24-2014 8:00 AMIt's a good fight, regardless of the winner.
Jack of all trades. Master of none

MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 8:21 AMgreat fight as always Mr.Happy.rooting for rex. what is the last bonus fight going be?
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!

Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-24-2014 8:52 AMIt takes place on Isla Nublar on the year 2040, years after the park fails. That's all I'm saying.
Jack of all trades. Master of none

MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 8:58 AMciffhangers man, gotta love and hate them. Will try to read part 2 when i can, looking forward to it
Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.