Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World raptor evolution story part 4, genetics

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MemberCompsognathusJul-17-2014 2:42 PM

Malcom and Henry walked into the genetics lab. It was similar to the one In Jurassic Park, but it was missing one thing, eggs. There were nests where unfertilized eggs should be, but they were just empty. "Where's the eggs?" asked Malcom. "We don't need them, the dinosaurs breed in the wild" answered Henry. "Well, having machines with nests is pointless then, although they would make a brilliant place to grow a shrubbery" said Malcom. "We keep them, in case a new dinosaurs DNA is discovered, and for when we create our own species." said Henry. Malcom stopped for a second, and then asked "Did you say you were going to create a new species, Because you know thats impossible." "Yes I did say that, and its not impossible. in fact, new DNA sequences have been made already" answered Henry. Henry walked towards a sign on the wall, and pointed to a name that was written on it. "This is a Stegylosaurus, its a mix of Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus. We don't know if it will be an Ankylosaurus with a Stegosaurus tail and plates, a Stegosaurus with armour and a tail club like an Ankylosaurus, or a mix of the two, with plates, spikes, armour and a Ankylosaurus tail club with Stegosaurus spikes on it." explained Henry. Malcom took it all in, and then asked "How can you do this, its not like one of them is a labrador, and the other one's a poodle." We extracted the DNA of two dinosaurs and put them together" answered Henry. "Yes, I know thats what you did, but how can you do it with these dinosaurs?" asked Malcom. Henry thought of a way he could explain this. "Usually, when you try to mix the DNA of two seperate species, it won't work. But, the patel corporation, with my help, has managed to develop technology which can do just that" answered Henry, hoping Malcom understood. "Thats brilliant, in 10 years time we'll have dogs mixed with cats. They could be called dats or cogs, no wait, dats sounds a lot better than cogs" said Malcom sarcastically. Henry ignored Malcom, and pointed to another name. "The Stegylosaurus is quite primitive compared to what else we can do. This one here is called Diablo rex. I called it that because its spanish for devil, and this dinosaur deserves that name. Its a mix between a T. rex, a Velociraptor, a snake and a cuttle fish" said Henry. "Mixing the DNA between different dinosaurs is one thing, but mixing the DNA of dinosaurs, reptiles and cephalopods is not possible, and I don't even know why you want to create a dinosaur like that anyway" said Malcom, who was sounding a bit worried. "Why did you want us to come here?" asked Henry. "Did you still use frog DNA in the Velociraptors genes? asked Malcom. "No, I will have to check what I used instead, because I used different DNA to fill in the gaps of different species" answered Henry. Henry walked over to the computer, and clicked a file. Suddenly, the screen popped up with a list of dinosaurs, and what other creatures had been used to patch up the DNA sequences. "Did you make them lysine dependant?" asked Malcom as Henry was looking at the list. "No" answered Henry. "Here we are" said Henry once he found the entry for Velociraptor. The entry said that the animal DNA used to patch up the Velociraptor DNA, was cuttlefish. "I don't understand, the amount of DNA is such a small amount that it shouldn't make the animal any different" said a confused Henry. Malcom sighed, and then said "No matter what you do, its impossible to make no mistakes when mixing gene sequences. The nazis tryed to bring back an extinct species of wild cattle called aurochs, and failed, because they tried to do this by breeding back the look of the aurochs using cattle."said Malcom. "But they were changing colour, meaning cuttlefish DNA was active. They don't seem to be able to do it by will, as it probably took the alpha female years to change. Maybe the DNA is automatically changing the raptors to suit there environment, that seems right" explained Henry. "I think we should head back to the exhibit" said Malcom, before he and Henry did just that.

When they reached the exhibit, Malcom walked up to the enclosure, where the Matriarch was standing, waiting. Malcom walked up to her and said "I know you can understand me, Henry said you talked to someone. Henry saw you using that tool to pull up plants, I know your intelligent. I am Malcom, I am a friend of Henrys, and I know why your skin has changed colour. Henry used cuttlefish DNA to fill in the gaps in your genetic sequence. Cuttlefish can change colour to suit their surroundings, and you have done that automatically. I know some of what I am saying to you is not understandable, and I don't know how much english you know. If you can talk, than say something, anything." The raptor stood there, motionless. "Ok" said the Matriarch. Henry and Malcom froze, it was true. Velociraptors could learn languages. The raptor looked at them, and said "I can explain everything."

4 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJul-17-2014 3:00 PM

Good chapter.

"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"

"Jurassic park: The Lost World"

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-17-2014 4:18 PM

JURASSICWORLD - That was a very nice chapter! Thank you ever so much for sharing this with us! :)


MemberCompsognathusJul-17-2014 4:28 PM

great chapter, but the Word 'OK' seems like a clishe

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 

John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusJul-17-2014 7:16 PM

In that moment the raptors just became all the more terrifying. Also I wonder if the cuttlefish DNA may also be affecting their intelligence, since cuttlefish are the most reliably intelligent of the cephalopods. Regardless this is an excellent chapter and I do want to see what the matriarch has to say.

Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.

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