Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World raptor evolution story part 3, tools

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MemberCompsognathusJul-16-2014 3:31 PM

Malcom approached the exhibit, looking at the sign which read Utahraptor. The exhibit was about a mile long, and the same lengh in width. On the sides of the exhibit were electrified fences, going outwards from the wall. They reminded him of the things used to keep people off of private property, like barbed wire. There was a fact box on the wall, and Malcom read it. This dinosaur was known from parts of the skull, the claws of the hand and feet, and some tail vertebrae. It is the biggest of the known deinonychosaurids. It was also the earliest; the individuals of the group have become smaller as time went on. Utahraptor preyed on the big sauropods of its time. Thanks to a large diposit of amber found in Utah, we can now bring this magnificent carnivore to Jurassic World. Malcom looked into the exhibit, and one of the raptors was in view. It was the size of an ice cream truck. Malcom could see that if he stood next to one, he would only reach to the top of the leg. Its killing claw was around the size of Malcoms arm, and the raptor was orange with slighly diffrent colour markings going down its neck. It called the other raptors over, and Malcom saw two raptors come out of the bushes. The calls they made were deeper pitched than the Velociraptors, probably because of the size. They wern't as organized as the raptors, probably because the brain was slightly shrunk compared to the animal. Because Utahraptors were so big, they probably didn't need as much strategy to kill their prey. They were still smart compared with a T. rex, but Malcom was more interested in their size. It would take a pack of Velociraptors just to kill one of these, and there were three. Probably, the reason for such a small pack might be because they were big. More raptors means more mouths to feed, and they weren't always successful at a kill. The raptors ran off, and Malcom went back to thinking about the Velociraptors evolution.

Henry was watching the Matriarch, aka the alpha female raptor, in a special hide he'd invented. it was made to be secluded just outside the enclosure, so he could watch the raptors when they were not aware they were being watched. The hide was made to look like a rock covered in plants, and it had fooled them. As Henry watched, he noticed the Matriarch take out some sort of stick. it was long and flat, with a sharp turn at the bottom where it went out a bit. He watched, as the raptor pushed it into the soil, which was quite soft, and pulled up a plant. Henry was shocked. firstly, they knew how to talk, apparently. Secondly, they were using tools. Henry looked again and realised that the stick had been sharpend, so there was a flat point at the end. it also had had the bark stripped off of it. This meant, the raptors weren't just using tools, they were making them. Parrots had recently been observed to make tools, and raptors could too. He had to find Malcom, he waited for the Matriarch to go, and then he set off. 

Malcom was watching a herd of Ouranosaurus as they drank from a small lake. They were almost like Zebras drinking at a watering hole. once they were finished, they started running, yet again, like zebras. It was a shame this place would not work. The park could run for more than Malcoms lifetime, but eventually it would have dinosaurs attacking the tourists and causing destruction. He watched as the herd settled down, whilst the youngsters played, in a way it was just like-

"Malcom!" shouted Henry, running towards him, "you need to come now!" "What is it?" asked Malcom, confused. "I'll tell you on the way" exclaimed Henry. They speed walked to the raptor enclosure, and Henry started to tell him what he had seen. "The raptors are making tools" said Henry. Malcom looked shocked and confused at the same time. "What kind of tools?" asked and exclaimed Malcom."Its a stick thats been sharpened at the end, and had the bark stripped off of it. The raptors are using it to pull up plants" said Henry. Malcom thought about it, and then said "Velociraptors are from Mongolia, specificly the Gobi desert. there are few plants there, so maybe the raptors are trying to bring back home comforts." "I don't understand" exclaimed Henry. "If you move house, you might do something, like have the same carpet" said Malcom. "Yea" said Henry. "Well maybe, the raptors are trying to make Isla Nublar into Mongolia" said Malcom. They reached the exhibit, and walked towards where Henry had shown Malcom the raptors, before Malcom went off to think. "That one there is the alpha female" said Henry, pointing to the Matriarch. "How old is she?" asked Malcom. Henry tried to remember, and replied "five years old". "If she's five years old, how is she the same colour as the rest of them?" asked Malcom. Henry thought, and realised they weren't evolving at all. They were just adapting at a rate faster than normal. The Matriarch had started out as a brown raptor, but had turned into a black and green raptor like the others. looking again, all of them had become that colour. "Henry, we need to go to the genetics lab as soon as possible" said a deeply worried Malcom. They left, and once they had left, the raptor used the tool to pull up a fern.

3 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJul-16-2014 4:03 PM

great story Jurassic World :)

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 

John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusJul-16-2014 4:56 PM

And the plot thickens... Great job and can't wait for what comes next.

Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-16-2014 7:34 PM

JURASSICWORLD - Very nicely done! I'm enjoying the overall tone you've instilled in your story - very compelling! Thank you ever so much for sharing this with us! :)

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