Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World raptor evolution story part 2, Malcom

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MemberCompsognathusJul-15-2014 3:11 PM

Henry was desperate to call Malcom, he was the only person who could figure this out. He walked into the staff room, where off duty workers at Jurassic world could have a break from working. He sat down on one of the chairs, pulled out his phone, went to the contact with Malcoms number in it, and pressed call.

The phone rang, and when it was answered Henry was hoping Malcom had got over the argument. What followed was both expected and unexpected. "Whoever is calling will have to call me back, I'm doing a lecture.", said a rushed Ian Malcom over the phone, before quickly hanging up. 10 minutes later, Malcom called back. "Hello, whoever was calling me during a lecture, who could have easily checked my lecture timetable on the fan site some weirdo set up. Fans are weird, it starts out as fan sites, and then they bombard you after a lecture for autographs." said Malcom, not letting Henry say a word until whatever was in his mind had blurted out. "Its Henry, I need to talk to you about something." said Henry, worridly. "Oh, I was expecting a call like this sometime. You got the job at Jurassic world again I presume, because your conscience is a dead rotting Jiminey cricket at the back of your mind." I deleted the contact. I thought if I ever did call you again, I would hear a emergency alarm, followed by raptor snarls and then static." said Malcom, talking too much all at once as usual. Once Henry was sure he had finished talking he said, "Its about the raptors, something strange has happened to them." Malcom thought about what Henry had just said and commented, "Oh, are they resisting the shock of electric fences or something like that." "No, its much worse, I'm worried." said Henry. "Being worried must mean Jiminey crickets coming back to life." Joked Malcom. "Remember what I said to you when we first met all those years ago, at Jurassic Park. I have an exeptionaly good memory, so I'll say it to you again, except its already happened. What John was trying to attempt simply wasn't possible. The one thing John taught us is, life would not be contained. Life broke free, it expanded to new territories and crashed through the barriers, painfully, and dangerously. Life found a way." qouted Malcom, trying to sound clever. "You couldn't have remembered all that." said Henry. "I wrote it down," admitted Malcom, "I knew it would pop up again one day."

"Okay, lets get to the point. The raptors skin colour has been changing to blend with the jungle they live in, over five generations. Not just that, but a kid from Chicago heard it talk english." said a now frantic and extremely worried Henry. "wow, I knew workplace stress could mess with your mind a little but you really need a holiday," said Malcom. Henry sighed, and said, "its true". Okay, I'll take your word for it, but what do you want me to do about it. do you want me to scare them back to their old colour or something?" said a slightly confused Malcom. "Just come to Jurassic World." said a tired Henry. Malcom stalled for a few seconds and then said "Goodbye. "Don't hang up!" shouted Henry down the phone. "You must be mad if you think I'm going back there!" exclaimed Malcom. Henry tried to think of a way to convince him to come. "Just for a day, and then you can go straight back home." said a tired out Henry. Malcom thought about it, and then said "fine". Henry collapsed in his chair with relief. "one day is just enough time to get ripped into peices. by the way, How would you get me into the park?" said Malcom. "I can get you a VIP card", said a extremely tired out Henry. "They should probably call it a VIM card for Very Important Meal, because when I go there I might be one for a T. rex" exclaimed Malcom. "Just book a plane and finish this conversation", said Henry in an annoyed voice, "Ill sort out the details and meet you at the airport." "Okay, but if anything happens to me when I'm there, you owe the world a brilliant mathematician." said Malcom, before hanging up.

Finally, thought Henry, before he went and got things ready for Malcoms arrival. Once Henry had got permission to give Malcom a VIP card, he got the first boat to the mainland and got his car out of the Garage in Costa Rica. The car was a company car, which was a creme colour and had a blue stripe going around the car. On the stripe the Jurassic World logo was visable. He drove to the airport and stood outside the car with a sign that read Dr. Ian Malcom. The plane arrived, and Malcom walked out. He was much older, in his 60s. Malcom saw Henry outside the car, and walked towards him. "Oh, how nice, a sign with my name on it." exclaimed Malcom, " Like a waitress writes an order on a stickynote, and gives it to the chef." "You really haven't changed have you" said Henry. "No, you don't have time for change when your life is relitively the same for years" said Malcom. As Henry was driving to the dock, He noticed that Malcom had a resealablebag with something in it. "Whats that?" said Henry, looking at the bag. Malcom looked too and said "Oh, thats pancakes. they were for breakfast, but I didn't have time to finish it on the plane, so one of the staff on the plane put them in a bag for me." "Whats the time?" asked Henry. "3:38am, local time." answerd Malcom. They reached the dock and got the boat to Jurassic World. When they arrived, Malcom went the hotel to get some rest from his long flight. Henry told him he'd see him in the morning, and went to the raptor enclosure.

He observed the raptors at night. He had a pair of night vision goggles they used on the night tours, and scanned the area. The alpha female suddenly burst from the undergrowth. She was the one he was looking at earlier. She called out with a series of diffrent calls, one for each raptor. He had seen this 5 months before, and had realised they were names. The alpha female, or matriarch, had a mate. she called for him with a short screech and a slightly longer series of clicks. there was also a female who was attracted to the matriarchs mate, and would usually get snarled at by the matriarch. She was called with a sound that sounded a bit like a car triyng to reverse when it's stuck.There were more raptors, but there wasn't any identity for them as much. They stayed for a few minutes, and then ran off. Henry stayed for a little while, and then went off to bed.

Henry woke up to the sound of a alarm clock, and turned it off. He got dressed and went to the hotel. He knocked on Malcoms door, and a tired Malcom answered it. "Do you want to see the Raptors now, or would you like to see them later?" asked Henry. "Now", answered Malcom. They left the hotel and walked to the enclosure. When Malcom saw the raptors, he said "you weren't joking, were you." "No, i've been studying them." exclaimed Henry. "What could be the reason for this to happen?" asked Henry. Malcom thought and answered "I'm not sure. I'm going to have a walk, it helps me think." "Okay" said Henry, "see you in a bit."

Malcom walked off. He didn't know what had happened. It coldn't have been evolution, not this quickly. Thoughts were streaming through his head, when he saw an exhibit he thought he might check out..... 

2 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJul-15-2014 3:32 PM

great chapter, is he watching Drex exhibit?

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberCompsognathusJul-16-2014 11:25 AM

No, because the d rex causes Jurassic World to go wrong.

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