Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World raptor evolution story

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MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 2:24 PM

This is a story with Dr. Henry Wu in it and it is about the velociraptors in jurassic world

Henry just stood there, staring at the raptor and wondering how it got to this stage, and he remembered how it had started...

Henry had got his old job back, he cloned dinosaurs for the patel corporation, and when he started the events of Jurassic Park didn't even matter. This was a new company, who obviosly had heard of the disaster and was determined to do better. Henry remembered how he was reading the newspaper five months after the incident, how it had said the dinosaurs were able to breed thanks to the frog DNA, and how Dr. Alan Grant discovered a nest of velociraptor eggs. that was the past, and his new technique was foolproof. He recreated the dinosaurs, but he neutered them, and made them diffrent sexes to each other. He left some fertile so they could breed, and he could learn about their nesting behavior. This enabled him to predict when a dinosaur was pregnant, in a sense. it was easier than getting Roland to tranquilize it once a month to check, as this was costly. Tourists loved seeing the baby dinosaurs. In fact, there was a yearly competition to see which baby dinosaurs were the cutest. Oviraptor, Maiasaura, Velociraptor, Triceratops and Stegosaurus babies had won. Letting the dinosaurs breed seemed like the perfect idea, but Henry was starting to regret it.

The velociraptors reproduced once a year, during July. But the raptors had started to change colour with every generation. somehow, they had changed from brown to green and black. Henry remembered how leopards with melanism, aka panthers, were well suited to live in southeast asia where light levels were low. This almost suggested the raptors had started to adapt to their jungle enviorment. Velociraptors lived in Mongolia during the Cretaceous period. Brown was a colour well suited too the Mongolian desert, but on Isla Nublar there was no desert, just grassy plains and jungle. So to Henry, the impossible seemed to have happend. An actual species, had evolved diffrent skin colour, in five years. This was shocking, how and why did this happen? If you brought Cassowarys, giant ostrich like birds from Australia, and stuck them in Asia, chances are it will do fine, in fact it might help. But take the same bird and put it in Canada, if it survives there it will slowly, over millions of years, adapt to the climate and habitat. But the raptors had done it in five years.

Henry stood looking at the fence, with the Velociraptor behind it. The fast evolution wasn't all that worried him. Three weeks ago, a 12 year old boy from Chicago was watching one of the raptors, Nothing out of the ordinary. but on that day, the raptor did something that he couldn't imagine, something like out of a science fiction novel. The raptor opened it's mouth, and talked. According to the boy, who said his name was Daniel, it said "hello". Henry was walking by about 10 seconds after that, when Daniel informed him of what had happened. It can't be true. He knew raptors were intelligent, but could they really learn another species language? He stared at the raptor, and it just stared back. It was almost like the raptor was communicating through it's eyes. Henry had observed how when other people came to the fence, the raptors used an attack strategy. But when he came, the raptors just stared and did nothing. Maybe, just maybe, this raptor acknowledged that it wouldn't be here if he hadn't created it. Maybe the raptor even acknowledged, that it couldn't have been naturally born without him letting some raptors be fertile. Henry wasn't originally intrested in animals during his work at Jurassic World, just genetics. But during the time between the Jurassic Park disaster and him working for the patel corporation, he had began an intrest in nature. Natural history had started to intrest him, and he now studied the raptors in hope of better understanding them. He checked his phone for messages, and came across a contact he hadn't needed to call for a long time.

The contact said Malcom. Henry was going to delete it, since they had stopped talking ever since the argument, over going back to cloning dinosaurs. He took one last look at the raptor, and walked away. The raptors gaze followed Henry. When it was sure he had gone, the raptor opened it's mouth and said "Goodbye Henry." 

5 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 2:53 PM

That's good but I just cannot imagine the raptors speaking, it's just going that bit too far and I can't see it going down well with an audience, sorry.

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?

JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 3:33 PM

Wow this story is great! Really got me hooked. I hope you write more of these!

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 4:03 PM

Reminds me of rise of the planet of the apes

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!


MemberTriceratopsJul-14-2014 5:51 PM

The speaking thing might not be that far fetched.  Parrots and their relatives can imitate sounds, and use a specific saying in a certain situation if they wanted to.  But birds don't really know what they're saying like we do, because it's only imitation.

You're on a creative path with this story, but maybe you made it seem too much like raptors know how to speak English like us.

Having said that, imagine if a raptor spoke another language like French!  I'd actually love to hear a fench raptor speak, just for laughs.


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 6:12 PM

its amazing, the last 2 paragraphs are just... just... AMAZING

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 
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