Jurassic World Movies

What do you think the D-Rex with sound like??? Do you think Rexy will return?? Do you think Ian Malcolm will return too?

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MemberBrachiosaurusJul-14-2014 4:14 AM

Every living thing has some sort of vocalization, so what will the D-Rex sound like???

Will it perhaps start with a Raptor bark then escalate into a mix of Spinosaurus and T Rex roar??? I was watching How Godzilla should have ended and at the end, a customized roar is used, i think that might fit the D Rex yet Colin has surprised us before, so he might give give the D Rex the most unexpected roar.

Also, do you think Rexy (Trex from the first JP) will return, scientists dont know how long dinosaurs lived let alone Trex, I think it is highly unlikely Rexy will return, but since we dont have any original cast, it would be nice that Rexy returns and kills the D Rex.

Also, when asked Jeff Goldblum neither confirmed nor debunked the idea that he would return as Ian Malcolm so as i was saying, it would be nice then to have TWO original cast members

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."
16 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 4:26 AM

Well, I don't think Rexy will return as in the newly leaked brochure and guide the tyrannosaurus was described as a male. 

I could imagine the D. Rex having a very guttural and haunting roar or perhaps her vocal abilities are extremely advanced and she is capable of mimicking human screams as SOMETHING REAL once suggested, now that would be terrifying! It also does have a natrual precedent as to lure prey in!

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 5:23 AM

Wow Evan123! Thought the same thing...agree with you! 

Rexy mabey 45% chance of return, don't think Goldblum will return, think we have seen most of the main cast...maybe a cameo...

But, yeah, nice idea for a topic...


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 5:41 AM

Thank you JPCerato! Also, I wonder what has become of Isla Sorna?

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJul-14-2014 7:18 AM

Well, I'd expect the D. Rex to have akind of high pitched roar, along with snarls and hisses.


I don't believe that Rexy will return, as the original dinosaurs are probably dead, or Patel killed them off to make room for new dinosaurs.


Goldblum probably won't return.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 8:07 AM

you mind giving us a link to that part of the brochure evan? not that i dont believe you i just want to see it for myself

edit: never mind ive found it myself

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 9:46 AM

They bombed Nublar after the first movie or something, so Rexy is obviously dead. Now about D-Rex's roar, i think it will be more like the T-Rex roar, as the better roar shows up more in genetic mutations.


MemberAllosaurusJul-14-2014 9:49 AM

S-Rex, it was in the book version in which they bombed the island. Even then, soem of the dinosaurs still survived and just simply migrated to other islands. Also, Jurassic World takes place from how the movies went, so Isla Nublar was never bombed in the movie world.


Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 9:54 AM

They never showed it in the movie which is what made me concerned, they maybe did, but they just didnt show it. So i just went off of the book to kinda realate what might have happened after they had that helicopter trip back to the mainland.

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 9:56 AM

And people rebuild places after things like that happen all the time, i mean, look at the towns that have been destroyed by tornadoes and people rebuild the town after that.


MemberAllosaurusJul-14-2014 9:56 AM

Well it was never mentioned in the movie at all, so they are oging to take it as a it never happened sort of thing.


Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 9:59 AM

Yea i guess that would most likely be the case, either that or in JW they will mention the events of JP and say what they did since then.


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 10:02 AM

well i don't think Ian will retourn,nor rexy, as i belive that all the dinos are dead, think about it, how would you build a new park if there are still dinosaurs roaming around

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberAllosaurusJul-14-2014 10:02 AM

Catzilla, the dinos will not be dead.



MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 10:04 AM

well maybe most of them died, but some migth of survived

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 10:05 AM
maybe they captured them like in the lost world and but it actually succeeded and and rexy is one of the main attractions


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 11:39 AM

really don't think rexy will return. As Sci-fi king said, Patel probably killed off the original dinosaurs, assuming the original park wasn't bombed, and although they might've missed a handful of raptors or compy's, but not a T. rex. Bottom line is,


I don't wan't her to be dead, but out of the choices available (island was bombed dead rexy, rexy died of old age (unlikely seeing as we currently believe that t. rexes lived until 30), Patel declared open season on the original dinosaurs killing rexy, or rexy some-crazy-how managed to live somehow.) it is highly likely that rexy is dead.

If they do bring her back though, she needs a themesong, might I suggest this:


Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#

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