Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World T Rex story

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MemberCompsognathusJul-13-2014 3:15 PM

this is a fan story I thought I'd write, where the character Roland Tembo works at Jurassic World.

Since what happened when Ingen tried to recapture their dinosaurs from Isla sorna, it would seem mad that Roland Tembo, the man who tranquilized a T rex and lived to tell the tale, would come and work for a company doing exactly what Ingen did. To him, he felt obliged to work as head of animal control at Jurassic World, because if the same thing that happened to Jurassic Park happened there, they needed him. He was nearly 70 now, but he was determined to stay working till the day he died. At the moment he was checking his postage note board, with reminders of dinosaurs that need their health checked. the reason he was important, was he was the only person in the park who knew how to use a tranquilizer gun. It sounds easy enough, but there are different kinds of dinosaurs and different dinosaurs need different dosages. For example, a compy needs an extremely low dosage to tranquilize it, but give it one dosage higher and it will colapse into a coma and die. A brachiosaur however, can have a certain amount of dosages, around 20 times the amount needed for a fully grown african elephant. Brachsaurs, for example, are easy to tranquilize because they don't move fast enough to be missed, but tranquilizing compys is like trying to film skylarks, they move so fast once you see them they will have flown off by the time your ready to film them, plus they fly all over the place. However, when your tranquilizing a compy, you don't need to follow it, you need to wait with the gun pointed in a certain spot, and wait for it to come into view. Some people might suggest you put some meat down, but then all the compys would come running at once and devour the meat in seconds, not to mention the fact they would be scared if you missed and run away for another three minutes. Suddenly, Hamada came walking into Rolands office without even knocking. "Don't forget the tyrannosaur needs tranquilizing at 3:45," said Hamada, who's first name was actually Katashi, but everyone called him by his last name. "I think after all these years of working with me you might acknowledge that I keep a record of everything," said Roland, who was used to this kind of interruption," your just like your father, you like to feel like your helping when you know your not." Roland had known Hamadas father as a friend since childhood, he used to go to school with him, and he always used to remind him, in the middle of a lesson, what he needed to study for, or when he was going to the park to play football. Hamadas father sadly died in 2008, which shocked both Hamada and Roland. The reason that Roland was working there was Hamada got a job there, and he reccomended him to the owner of Jurassic World, and he got the job as head of animal control. Roland cheked his watch,"it's 3:37," said Roland,"I should go there now." Roland walked to the Tyrannosaur paddock, and Hamada went with him as usual. Hamada always came and talked about how he might learn to use a tranquiliser one day, but Roland knew deep down it was too much responsibility for him. They reached the Tyrannosaur paddock, and walked up a set of stairs to the tranquilization bay. carnivores were tempted into a open roofed concrete tunnel, aka the bay, so that any carnivores that don't need treatment can stay in their exhibits. any staff stayed on viewing areas on the sides of the tunnel. Basically the staff looked from above the dinosaur so that Roland could then tranquilize it. They opened the gate leading to the paddock, and waited with meat as bait. Sometimes, a T. rex they don't need to treat came near, and they had to use a beacon that sounded at a frequency that rexes could hear to get it away. Finally, the rex they wanted to come came to the tunnel. He was a bull, slightly smaller than the females, and he had a big slash along his right leg from a fight with the other rexes. once they closed the gate behind him, he started roaring and agrresively stamping around. Roland knew what to do, he fired the dart, which was exactly the right dosage, and the bull started to feel drowsy. The other animal control staff used a carrier type thing to make sure the T.rex went to sleep on the side they needed. Once the T.rex was tranquillized, Roland gave the signal to let the vet through. She went up to the T.rex and examined the leg." it's slightly infected," she said," but disinfectant and some stiches should work. Once she was done, the vet walked back into the tranquilization bay, and Roland stared at the T.rex. He rememberd what happend on Isla sorna, how the rex had attacked the camp, and he thought about what would happen if it got out when all the tourists are there. The T.rex made a small roar, and then several minutes later he got up. The animal control staff let him back into the exhibit, and Roland watched as it slowly walked away.

5 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-13-2014 5:11 PM

Nice piece of writing. Paragraphs would be nice next time around.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusJul-13-2014 6:08 PM

Belivable story and hope to see more.


Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.


MemberCompsognathusJul-13-2014 6:23 PM

great story, but i doubt tembo would ever retourn to tranquilize dinos :)

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberCompsognathusJul-13-2014 6:56 PM

Nice story...


The grammarcal errors make this story nearly Impossible to read, Theres a lot of errors in the structure... 


The content makes up for it. However, Rolands actor died some time ago. Hamanda is something like fifty-ish... It wouldn't make much sense for Hamandas father to have been friends with Roland, As hamanda's father would've been 20-21 years of age or younger when He had "Katashi".


Also, Tembo mentioned in TLW,

"No thank you, I beleive I've had enough time in the company of death"


Thus announcing his Retirement from, Presumably hunting and everything... Joining another company who probably doesn't know what there doing, Is just asking for trouble, Something Roland knows too well.



I don't mean to tear apart your story, Nor sound like a grammar nazi. It was a good story, there was just some flaws..


None the less, Good job.



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusJul-14-2014 5:19 AM

the actor who plays hamada is 37, so hamadas father could know Roland Tembo.

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