Jurassic World Movies

2000th Special Announcement+ One year anniversary special

Locked3307 Views32 Replies
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MemberAllosaurusJul-09-2014 6:09 PM

Okay so I have some basic ideas of what to do fro my 2000th idea.

It is important that you answer some of the questions below in the reply section.

Here is the first idea:


Have each regular who wants to particpate select one of their own "creations" to fight in on huge brawl. This could be an alter ego, a character form a story and/or fight, and imaginatavie character, whatever, but it cannot be your "normal" self.

I will then write one huge fight where all of these characters will fight each other, to the death.

This means all you have to do is just choose a character and wait for this fight to be written so you can read. So just choose and read.

Quite simple on your part, really.

This is not official until you decide which one of these options you want the most.


Letters of Gratitude I liek to call it. Basically for one these specials I have on big ol' discussion with a note to each regular I have known on my time in the forums. For this one all you do is simply wait for it to come, but note this might not be as fun and suspenseful as you guys think.


Giant spoof post. Pretty much self-explantory.


Okay, so for my 2000th post, I want you guys to choose which one of these you want to happen THE MOST. In the comments section, choose one of these options for my 200th post, and 24 hours from now I will decided which oen I shall do.

If I do not got replies made by more than 8 seperate people I will PM some regulars at random. So please do comment.








32 Replies


MemberAllosaurusJul-10-2014 5:56 PM

The topic will soon be closed in less than 10 minutes, once that happens the voting period will be officially ended.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-10-2014 6:03 PM

At 401's request, this topic will be locked. The 24 hour voting period is over, option A wins. We will get more news on this post soon.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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