MemberCompsognathusJul-04-2014 8:14 AMTylosaurus
The induividual in this fight is A 50 foot 25 ton male. He has, taken on many sharks but none bigger then himself.
The induvidual in this fight is A 60 foot 50 ton male. He has taken on a few large marine reptiles but, none more agile then he is.
This battle will be taking place in the open ocean.
A large megalodon is on patrol he has been forced out of his territory by anouther megalodon he hasn't eaten in days, suddenly he sees a small whale. It was only about 30 feet long but it was still a potential meal. The megaldon started moving in closer he was about to charge but, he stoped when he saw a massive Tylosaurus. The tylosaurus hadn't seen him yet. The shark wanted this Tylosaurus dead, the megalodon was ready for a fight!
The megaldon went underneath the Tylosaurus and got ready to attack. The megaldon charged upwards and hit the Tylosaurus in his underbelly. The hit sent the reptile spiralling out of controll , the megalodon went for anouther charge but this time with his jaws wide open. The Tylosaurus maneged to get controll over himself and dodge the attack. The Tylosaurus then went for a attack of his own, the Tylosaurus bolted forwards mouth agape, and maneged to get a hold of one of the megalodons side fins.
The Tylosaurus started to applie pressure, while the megalodon shook violently. The Tylosaurus maneged to take a small piece off of the fin. The megalodon screeched in pain but, this fight wasn't over yet! The megalodon turned around and crunched down on the tip of the tylosaurus tail, the megalodon then shook his head violently and maneged to take the tip of the Tylosaurus tail clean off.
The Tylosaurus turned and bit the tip of the megalodons nose. The, shark was not happy about this and in return the megalodon ripped off the Tylosaurus right fin. Now the Tylosaurus knew he was in trouble he was missing part of his tail and one of his fins and he needed air.
The, Tylosaurus went to the surface for air but, before he could come back down the megalodon had jolted up and got a hold of the tylosaurus side the megaldon then jumped out of the water with the Tylosaurus in his mouth, and while doing this the shark applied all the pressure his jaws could.
This great amount of pressure was to much for the Tylosaurus!
Size, strentgh and not needing air won this fight for the megalodon! Next fight will ether be a predator royal rumble or a nest or pterodactyls vs a pack of compies let me know which one you guys want first!
"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"
"Jurassic park: The Lost World"
MemberCompsognathusJul-04-2014 8:17 AMcompis vs baby pteredactyls
btw good figth
MemberCompsognathusJul-04-2014 8:23 AMNice, I was rooting for Megalodon.
And compys vs Pterodactylus sounds good.
Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com
Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-04-2014 8:59 AMNice fight, figured Mega would win
Jack of all trades. Master of none
Sci-Fi King25
MemberAllosaurusJul-04-2014 9:23 AMI was rooting for Tylosaurus, but still a good fight.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster
MemberCompsognathusJul-04-2014 12:14 PMRooting for the mosasaur. Oh well, good fight.
Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#
MemberCompsognathusNov-07-2014 4:45 PMMEGALODON IS INVINCIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somne other good sea predators: liopleurodon, mosasaurus, kronosaurus, elasmosaurus, shonisaurus, cretoxyrhina