Jurassic World Movies

Diabolus Rex speculation art!!

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MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 10:36 AM


Well, let me know what you think and of course it's not finished yet! Hope you like it!

*Image added by **AL**
How far can we push nature before it pushes back?
14 Replies

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 10:44 AM

Good start. Can't wait to see it finished.

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 10:51 AM

Lovely so far.

Hmmm... this gives me an idea.....

*hint hint*

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 11:05 AM

good art especially that feathery neck

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-01-2014 11:45 AM

Nice, looking forward to the finished product.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 1:29 PM

Thanks for the compliments guys and I do realise I took a bit of liberty with her but oh well! I'll be sure to present the the finished design soon, I'm a relatively fast worker so there won't be a long wait, thanks again!

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?


MemberTriceratopsJul-01-2014 1:35 PM

That looks great kind of reminds me of diablo from the super nintendo game "PRIMAL RAGE. " Good job evan. :)

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 1:38 PM

Thank you BIGBADBEN, It means a lot from a great artist like you!

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?


MemberTriceratopsJul-01-2014 1:51 PM

You are welcome my friend. :)

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberAllosaurusJul-01-2014 2:59 PM

Looks cool so far, Evan.


John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 3:55 PM

Looks like a dinosaur, not a monster and because of that I say great job.

Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.


MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 5:03 PM

Thank you all very much and I will continue to post art here before the movie!

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?


MemberCompsognathusJul-01-2014 5:04 PM

Thank you **AL** for the pic, once again!

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-02-2014 2:01 AM

EVAN123 - This is exceptionally nice work! It gives me the feel of something that's not quite natural - definately a genetic manipulation of some kind. I greatly enjoy the inclusion of fur/feathers - it gives the creature a more disturbing quality I find quite appealing! Excellent work! Thank you ever so much for sharing this with us! :)


MemberCompsognathusJul-02-2014 2:35 AM

Thank you so much SOMETHING REAL, it means a great deal!

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?
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