Jurassic World Movies

NewJp toys on Toys R Us system

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noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusJun-26-2014 12:24 PM

So, one day, a writer went to thew website of his local Toys R Us and found this: http://www.jurassicworld.org/news/uploads/NewJPToysJune2014-Small.jpg

4 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJun-26-2014 12:43 PM

@Noah eckeckenrode


AWESOME. Do you perhaps know when these are to hit shelves?


Aswell, From past Expirence i can Sum up what most of these are.


JP Giant Raptor: Probably a Giant Stuffed raptor

JP Chomping Rex: Remember Chomper? It was a Rex Action Figure? This is most likely that, But In JP3 They sold the same thing, Turned out to be a Rex head/Puppet that you used your hand to manipulate


JP Basher Biter: This is a new one... Remember those Dueling toys you were fond of when you were a kid only to have your friend break em? That's these.


JP Growler: Ah, These. Electronic Dinosaurs, Raptor, Rex, Trike, Possibly D-rex this time.


Jurassic Giants: Done by a Different Company, Most likely not related... Probably Larger Versions or Stuffed...?


----- Growler: Electronic Trike. (It's really nice.)


Noah, if you could find a Larger Picture of this, It'd be highly Appreciated. 



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusJun-26-2014 1:10 PM

giant raptor may be rederring to a more detailed larger scale figure similar to the leader class toy in the transformers line. or it could be a stuffed animal like paden said

noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusJun-26-2014 1:42 PM

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJun-28-2014 5:31 PM

As Paden suggested, Jurassic Giants is made by a different company. There's also one (unreadable) figure made by a different company.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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