Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World: The Failure Part 4

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-21-2014 7:40 PM

Jurassic World: The Failure Part 4

We climbed into the G36 and fired it up. "Of course, since we're on this side of the island, the airport is on the opposite side. Perfect, just perfect. Alarms going off left and right, and we need to go clear to the other side of the island if we have any hope of escaping." "I know, but complaining isn't going to do anything." "I know, sorry Jack. I've always had this habit of talking to myself without thinking about what I'm saying out loud when I get ticked." "That's fine."

We were driving for about two minutes when a dinosaur stepped into the path. The G36 hit it and went over it, then started rolling. We held onto our seats as the truck rolled through a cement wall. When the truck stopped, I asked Jack what's in the paddock we just rolled through. "Well, we are in the centre of the island if I'm not mistaken." "Yes." "Well, then we're most likely in the Allosaurus paddock." The Allosaurus paddock?" "Yes." "Well, that's just f*cking great. The truck is rolled because god knows what stepped in our way, and the truck is totalled." "It could be worse." "Yeah, we could be stuck in the Allosaurus paddock without guns." "I dropped mine." "Dammit. Good thing I've got a sniper I keep behind the back seat." "What kind?" "It's a DSR 50. German built Bullpup sniper. .50 BMG, five round bolt action." "Sounds nice." "It is. You can take my MRAD."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and dropped out of the seat. I crawled to the back, folded the back seat and grabbed the sniper rifle that was strapped to the rear wall. It was a beauty of rifle. Black synthetic stock, huge muzzle brake, pistol grip, mag loads into the back, behind the trigger guard, and a second mag can be stuck in front of the trigger and doubles as a grip. The scope I have on it is a 10-40x50, as I expected to be using it purely for long range. I never expected it to be used at close range in possible life or death situation inside one hundred yards.

Both mags were loaded, and I put a few more in my pockets. I'm glad I had a belt on, otherwise the weight of the bullets would have been weighing down my pants, which gets annoying constantly having to pull them back up every half step. I had the rifle ready to be fired at any moment, and we left. We quickly left the paddock and started walking north. I was leading, and we walked right past a herd of Triceratops. They didn't seem to care that we walked in front of them, and we hoped they would slow down carnivores.

We must have been walking for a half hour when we heard something. I turned around just in time to watch a Carnotaurus change colour. It disappeared. Jack went up a tall tree, and I went right behind him. I looked for the Carnotaurus, and it was still standing where it had been when we saw it. I barely saw where it was, but the scope helped. I pulled the trigger, and the Carnotaurus dropped with a thud. We climbed out of the tree, and kept walking to the airport. Five more minutes.

When we got to the airport, we went into one of the control towers. It had been abandoned, and in a hurry too. I guess the bastards didn't want to be on this island at the first sign of trouble. I walked outside for a moment. There was nothing around, except for a helicopter on the opposite side of the runway. I took aim for a second, to see if there was anyone there, and there was a person. "Why the f*ck would you land over there? That's a stupid place. What if there was an emergency, or one of the 747s needed to land? Dumbass." I looked at Jack, and then we went to the helicopter.

We got there, and the pilot was sitting in his seat, eating a sandwich. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me he was told to stay on the island to wait for someone to say otherwise. "I see. Well, I'm here to say otherwise, let's go." "Are you the boss?" "No. He left. It's just me, you, and Jack that I know of." "Well, let's wait to see if anyone else comes." "Let's circle the island and then leave. If we don't see anyone, we leave. If we see someone, we drop the rope ladder." "Sure, why not?"

The helicopter took off. All three of us looked for survivors, and we saw one person. The pilot pointed him out, and I looked at him through my binoculars. He was a Columbian. "Damn terrorists, don't bother rescuing him. He's part of the reason this place just went to sh!t." I grabbed my DSR and put a bullet through his skull before the pilot could say anything. The pilot didn't say anything, and we flew to the mainland. We were finally safe.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

5 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJun-21-2014 7:47 PM

good chapter, i liked this one in particular for some reason. Keep 'em up!

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


MemberCompsognathusJun-21-2014 7:59 PM

Great chapter! You are an amazing writer. Hope we see more.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusJun-22-2014 5:05 AM

Great chapter. I really want to know what's going to happen next.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-22-2014 7:54 AM

Next? I do believe I said it was a four part, and well, here's the fourth part. I guess I'll throw together a fifth one. It'll be kinda slow, more diologue, less action.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-22-2014 1:31 PM

MR.HAPPY9097 - That was a very fun conclusion! However, if you choose to make a fifth installment, I'll be more than happy to read it! Thank you very much for sharing this with us! :)

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