Jurassic World Movies

Things wanted to be seen in Jurassic World

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MemberCompsognathusJun-18-2014 10:18 AM

For me, I really want to see a bunch of the old Jurassic Park stuff and numerous items from the original park. For instance I would like to see 1 of 3 things in the new movie such as: the fossilized raptor claw that Dr. Grant throws from the tree (2 characters are stranded in the old park in the new movie at some point), the shaving cream canister/ nedry's body and the jeep, or the t-rex from the first jurassic park with the scars on his/her body from the raptor fight.

4 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJun-18-2014 5:01 PM

Let me Answer some of your Questions for you! This will be based on what's known so far. (Spoilers, Of course)


JP Jeep # 29 Will make An Appearance, For anyone who doesn't know, It's the Jeep Hammond And Genarro Show up in. Cannon states that is was Returned to the Garage and has been sitting there for the past Twenty years or so. Some believe it may be Re-Done up to Match Nedrys jeep, Which was Destroyed after Filming. 


Colins a Dedicated fan, He will most likely Build upon the Raptor Claw more; It was Intended to be Ended with Eric Kirby showing Dr.Grant his "New" Raptor claw on Site B.


The Canister was Covered in mud, As Stated Prior, Colin is a dedicated fan, Thus he'd want to fit in with the rest of the wide universe of JP. Which means the Canister was Destroyed by the Rex in JPTG. Colin may Dissmiss JPTG As It's own JP Universe However, Due to there being a Book version of Site B Map on the wall in one of the shots. 


We may see Nedrys Body, I'd imagine Patel Corp. Most likely removed it during Construction. (Feel sorry for the suckers stuck with Disposing it, Twenty years of Decompisitons, Yeeuck, Although it's most likely just bones by now.)


The T-rex, As well as all the Other animals on Ingens Site A, Would've had to been Put Down. If they hadn't died out from lack of Food Source Already. Patel would wish to rid most everything that Resembled the Old park.


The Only character from the First film called back Was Dr.Wu. So, Including characters stranded from the Old park makes little to no sense, As they probably would've died by then.


Hope this answered some of your Questions!




Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusJun-18-2014 7:11 PM

ok i know this! But I was just stating if this WAS there. Need I say that in the map of the new isla nublar, about 1/3 to 2/3 of the top isn't marked almost to forget about it and the 2 characters from the new movie will stumble upon it (visitors center). So not ALL of it is gone I would imagine but as if to block it out and start new and to forget about the old park. And they weren't really questions but more hopes of something to be in the new movie to satisfy the inner geek within me


MemberCompsognathusJun-19-2014 11:54 AM

I just want to see a battle between a T rex and Triceratops already!!


MemberCompsognathusJun-20-2014 10:59 AM

That would be cool!^^

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