Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World: The Failure Part 3

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-17-2014 4:31 AM

Jurassic World: The Failure Part 3

The G36 went over the chunks of cement without a problem. We were in the paddock, and the Tyrannosaur was right behind us. She started to slow down, and Jack turned around. The Tyrannosaur lied down quickly, and we left the paddock. We parked the G36 next to the rubble of the visitor centre. I had my shotgun ready to fired at a moment's notice. Jack looked around and saw nothing. I didn't see anything either. Strange I thought. There was nothing left. No bodies, no equipment was left in the rubble, or anywhere in view actually. There must have been more Columbians.

I told Jack we had to leave, and we jumped into the G36. I was driving, so we took a maintenance road. Jack was ready to use his M16 at any moment, and we drove past some of the paddocks. The dinosaurs were hungry. They hadn't been fed yet. I looked at my watch, it was noon. They should have been fed by now. I wasn't about to stop to feed them, and I continued down the trail. Jack looked at me and said, "Not going to feed them?" "Not now, there's something a little more important to deal with right now." "Good point. What if they shut down the park? Permanently I mean." "Well, we'll have to find something to do with our lives. I had a pretty good pay though, I could probably retire comfortably right now if I felt like it." "Me too. I always liked my job. I'll probably miss the cool vehicles the most if something happens." "I'll miss the guns I can't legally obtain in my hometown the most." "That would suck." "It does."

Although we were driving almost sixty miles an hour, the drive felt slow. We were in the south, we were heading for the north. At the speed we were going, we would be there in two minutes at the most. The road wasn't straight enough to go all out in the G36, so we weren't. Despite the situation, I was enjoying the drive. I've always liked driving military vehicles, and the more axles, the better. I hit a sharp turn and didn't slow down enough to safely turn. We took the corner on three wheels as the truck tipped sideways, and then back to all six wheels. "Slow down! You could have killed us!" "I know what I'm doing, relax. You're just like my mother. The slightest bit of fun and I was told to slow down or stop, have some trust."

We reached the north of the park when I expected. We stopped before leaving the dense jungle, and we got out, guns in hand. We went into the tree line and looked into the plaza. This is where the tourists tend to wander towards. The visitor centre was where visitors first got to the island and would get maps and a few minor souvenirs; the plaza is where the real action is. We saw Columbians all around the area. I wasn't sure why they were interested in souvenirs. We walked a distance away. I had a sniper, and I was going to use it for it's intended purpose, long range precision shooting.

We climbed a suitable tree. I had sniper platforms in all the high trees. My boss and my coworkers all thought I was nuts for requesting it, but I got them anyway, and now I was putting one of them to use. I lied down and got the distance reading, we were about 400 yards away. 400 yards was child's play with this rifle, and I started shooting. Four shots taken, four terrorists down. I noticed a C4 satchel on one of the paddocks near the plaza.

"Jack, what's that paddock on the north side of the plaza?" "It's the D-Rex paddock." "D-Rex? You mean T-Rex, right?" "No, D-Rex. It was one of the boss's secret dinosaurs." "What exactly is it?" "It's a combination of Velociraptor, T-Rex, and a cuttlefish." "A...... cuttlefish? Why the hell would he put cuttlefish DNA in a dinosaur? And why the f*ck would you combine a T-Rex and a Velociraptor!? T-Rex is the strongest thing on this damn island, other than the concrete walls in her paddock, and the Velociraptors are geniuses. I wouldn't be surprised if they were as smart as a small child. Combine them, and hell on Earth will happen." "I know. Henry wouldn't take no for an answer. I was told I would lose my job if the boss finds out I told you about it." "Well, that thing is screwed once I get my hands on it." "The cuttlefish DNA is so it can camouflage itself. Just so you know." "Camouflage? How stupid can you get? Look at me, I'm a genius, I can make any dinosaur I want. I'm going to make a dinosaur the size of a small plane, as smart as a child, and give it the ability to camouflage itself."

I regretted not bringing my launcher, but it was too late to go for it now. The Columbians hadn't noticed their fallen men yet. Damn I loved these suppressors so much. Not much more than a small rush of air is heard when I shoot, and that's only the bullet leaving the muzzle. I started shooting again. Four more shots, four more dead terrorists. There were three left, and I only had two rounds. I watched two of them for a moment, they were close, and walking closer with each step. I lined up on one of their heads, and waited. I held my breath, my finger tensed on the trigger, and I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead. The two men stopped at the perfect time, I squeezed the trigger, and they both dropped. I found the third man. He was just processing what happened. I shot him, he dropped, and there was a ricochet. The C4 satchel exploded, and we quickly climbed down the tree. We needed to get the LAW rocket, and the sooner the better.

We made it to the G36, and I started it up. Jack hadn't even closed his door as I put the truck in gear and floored it. I kept shifting until I hit the top gear, then I floored it. I wasn't taking any chances at the D-Rex getting us before we had the rockets. We took every corner on three wheels, and we reached my armoury in a minute. We grabbed as many of the rockets as we could, and we climbed up to one of my sniper posts. The bastard may be able to camouflage itself, but it won't escape the thermal scope.

I turned the thermal scope on, and I couldn't help but smile at my own genius as I found the target. It was following the scent trail the G36 left behind, exhaust and burnt rubber being an obvious smell along the trail. Jack pointed out a 747 taking off, and I looked. It was a passenger jet, I guess that people were leaving. I don't blame them. I saw another plane, it was a private jet. I scoped in on it, and it was the boss's jet. He was leaving, and I could see in the windows of both planes. I saw Jurassic World uniforms in the windows of both planes. Here I am trying to stop this, and those people are leaving. I'll have some choice words for them when I see them again.

The D-Rex was almost within a hundred yards of us. I grabbed the LAW rocket, loaded it, and took aim. I forgot about the camouflage ability, so I tossed down one of my boots. It landed, but it hit something before it hit the ground. I took the shot. There was blood everywhere, and I climbed down. "Haha, that's how you kill a dinosaur. People in movies are so stupid. They come up with these complicated plans to make it trip and get impaled on a spike or something. And here I am, I just blew it up." "Good work Wyatt. So, what's the plan now?" "I don't know, let's find some staff, or at least a pilot."

Jack of all trades. Master of none

2 Replies

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusJun-17-2014 5:10 AM

Great chapter.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberCompsognathusJun-17-2014 10:57 AM

Great chapter. I like how you introduced the D-Rex.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

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