Jurassic World Movies

Sci-Fi King25's Guide for Surviving a Jurassic World breakout

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJun-13-2014 9:28 AM

     Hello, ladies and gentlemen, this is the guide to survive a dinosaur breakout.


CHAPTER ONE: The Start of a Breakout


     Okay, let's say that the Diabolus Rex proved to be too smart and rammed through it's cage and escaped in camouflage. An announcer will say via loudspeakers that the D. Rex has escaped and to go to the nearest shelter. Let's also say that the Diabolus Rex was hungry, and went to the nearest option: the raptor exhibit. It eats one persoon, roars, and breaks into the exhibit while the people run away.


     After eating two out of five raptors, the rest run away. Now what do you do? We'll discuss that in the next chapter.


CHAPTER TWO: Finding Shelter


     Finding shelter is easy. First, follow the crowds, because safety in numbers. However, stay near the edge of the crowd. This will prevent the possibilities of being eated by carnivores and being trampled by crowds. Soon, you'll be led to a shelter. In the shelter, just wait. It'll be over soon. Finally, after a couple hours, it's safe to come out.


CHAPTER THREE: After the Breakout


     Now that it's safe to come out, wait about a minute. Try to be one of the last few people to exit, just to make sure it's safe. Once you're out, you see damaged buildings, broken fences, a few small dinosaurs running around, and some blood on the ground. You're told to evacuate the park. However, the park gives you an I Survived a Jurassic World dinosaur Breakout T-Shirt. Also, it'll be safe to come back in about a month.






“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

6 Replies


MemberAllosaurusJun-13-2014 12:10 PM

Hmm, me being one who loves to make spoof articles, how come I never came up with doing something like this!?

Oh well, nice job done Sci-Fi King.



MemberCompsognathusJun-13-2014 12:46 PM

''i bet that the dinosaur rampage was a atraccion''

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberCompsognathusJun-13-2014 1:11 PM

Nice job! I hope I don't need to know this.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusJun-13-2014 1:23 PM

Quite funny, but I hope aswell that I won't ever need this information.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-13-2014 5:37 PM

Hmmmm, so you're telling me if I survive, I get a free t-shirt? I'm in!

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJun-14-2014 5:20 AM

Yes, I am. I'll start printing today.  ;)

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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