Jurassic World Movies

Scoring Jurassic World - Who will be the next composer?

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MemberCompsognathusJun-13-2014 2:26 AM

Most of us agree that a great film often comes with a great score. And all of us (hopefully) would certainly feel that the Jurassic Park franchise is a gold mine of memorable scores, courtesy of the maestro John Williams. 

For this upcoming film, who do you think will carry the joyful burden of continuing the franchise's stellar history of soundtracks? 

Here are my candidates:

John Williams - The maestro himself, I would love to see him return to score Jurassic World. Sadly, he's already reportedly commited to the upcoming Star Wars film. But it's isn't a sin to hope and pray that he may be available for scoring the upcoming Dinosaur rampage.

Don Davis - The first composer to take over from John Williams, Don Davis is, in my opinion, the most likely person to score this film, if the producers wish to have a certain 'continuity' in their production team. I did like his score for Jurassic Park III, though I do think it sound too 'King Kong/B-movie'-esque. 

Michael Giacchino - Famous for scoring both emotional and epic scores for Pixar Animations, Michael Giacchino has potential to bring into the score a certain aesthetic and soul the first score is all about, and yet, still sounding new and original. 

James Horner - A frequent collaborator with James Cameron, James Horner has proven himself to be one of Hollywood's most acclaimed composers, blending epicness and emotion, such as his scores for Braveheart and Titanic, as well as the cold shrills of his score for Aliens, a perfect recipe for enhancing the atmosphere of a lost world.

Alexandre Desplat - Having completed his first blockbuster Godzilla, Alexandre Desplat has more experience now in conducting large orchestras. I am excited for what he can bring to the score, perhaps some of that 'Godzilla' epicness, as well as giving more personal undertones from his earlier works. 

Danny Elfman - Tim Burton's favourite composer, I am looking forward in how he can bring some of his now famous 'dark undercurrents' in his scores to Jurassic World (Fun Fact: Tim Burton lobbied hard for the director's seat for Jurassic Park back in 1992).

So what do you think? Discuss.

2 Replies

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJun-13-2014 9:05 AM

I can agree with these.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusJun-13-2014 9:05 PM

good picks.

Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.

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