Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World: The Failure Part 2

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-06-2014 5:23 PM

Jurassic World: The Failure Part 2

I was laying down, motionless. I couldn't believe what I saw. The visitor centre was in ruins. I scoped in on the area, and there was no one. I decided that the first thing I should do is prepare for a fight. I quickly went to my armoury and grabbed a few weapons. I put the AS50 and grabbed my Barrett MRAD. It was a .338 Lapua Magnum. It was accurate for about 800 yards, and it was suppressed. After grabbing a sniper, I grabbed my M16. It was also suppressed.

After grabbing two guns, I went back to the sniper post. It was the safest spot to be, out of view, but you see everything. With the binoculars, I could see some Columbians rummaging through the remains of the visitor centre. They were pulling out salvageable equipment. I couldn't understand why. They had the drug cartel, why do they need the park equipment?

I was going to take aim with the MRAD to take out a few out when I heard something. I looked at the ladder to my little platform, and it was moving. I climbed up higher into the tree as quickly as I could, and then turned and took aim with my M16. I was waiting for the person to arrive. I was shaking with the anticipation of what was about to happen. My rifle was shaking, that's not good. A good shooter can tell their senses to f*ck off in any situation. In a brief moment, all my motion stopped. The only thing that could blow my position would be if I sneezed or coughed. The person reached the top of the ladder and called my name. He was unarmed, and he was one of my coworkers.

I addressed him and climbed down. "What were you doing?" "Well, you see, the ladder started moving, and the visitor centre is being raided, so I thought you were one of the terrorists." "So, you were going to shoot me?" "If I needed to." "Well, I feel so safe with you around." "I didn't shoot you though." "You have a point, but still." "Alright, I get it. Now shut up, this is the best spot to be hidden." "Can I have a gun?" I didn't answer, but I handed the man, Jack, one of the mechanics, my M16 and then turned, lied down, and took aim with the MRAD.

I looked at the terrorists that were digging around. I was almost a mile away, in a tree, they won't think I'm this far away. I dialled the scope in for the wind and distance, and squeezed off the first round. Three guys went to the ground. I had aimed for their lower bodies, easy takedown, without killing them. They were in a line, in the back of the group. They were the obvious targets to take out first. I chambered the second round, and took aim at the next guy. He went down, and I chambered a third round. I was about to take another shot, but something caught my attention. All I could think was, "Why the hell is the Tyrannosaur running around there?"

It took me a moment to realize what happened, but I had an idea. The visitor centre was next to the Tyrannosaur paddock, so when the visitor centre exploded, some chunks of cement must have flown through the wall of the Tyrannosaur paddock. The other possibility is that the bomb was so close to the Tyrannosaur paddock, that the wall was collateral damage. Anyway, that doesn't matter, it saves me the effort of gunning the Columbians down myself. The terrorists started shooting at the Tyrannosaur, and I couldn't help but chuckle as they were eaten. My biggest concern was the Tyrannosaur's health. She was eating everything. Flesh, bone, clothing, steel toe boots, guns and ammunition, if it fit in here mouth, it didn't matter, she ate it.

Jack asked me what was going on, and I told him. "I always thought you were a sick bastard Shaggy." I rolled my eyes and responded, "People have always said that about me. I stopped caring after the third time. I've always been known as that sick, twisted, lunatic. You know where the people who called me that are?" "No, I don't, where?" "Their parent's basements, McDonalds for the successful ones. The morons couldn't graduate from truck driving school if the trucks had automatic transmissions." "They were that stupid?" "Yeah, pot smokers, coke snorters, morons. I felt like a genius around those guys." "I guess. What's going on at the centre?" "Nothing much, the Tyrannosaur is probably going to need surgery when this is said and done." "Why?" "She'll eat anything that fits in her mouth. She's been eating the guns. Reminds me of a small child, trapped in the body of an angry, nine ton wall of muscle."

Jack and I watched the visitor centre for almost a half hour. The Tyrannosaur took out most of the Columbians. The ones she didn't were taken out quickly by me. Jack asked me how I could be so heartless, and I told him, "I do feel kinda bad about it, but remember, they probably killed innocents. The visitor centre is always crowded, we probably lost some staff too." "Oh." "Yeah, so tell me, what would you do in this position?" "With that knowledge, exactly what you're doing." "Alright. Now then, we need to deal with the Tyrannosaur quickly." "Why?" "We need to get her back to her paddock so we can determine the damages." "And how are we going to do that?" "Follow me."

Jack and I climbed down the ladder, and we quickly reached my armoury. I told Jack to take any weapon he wanted. He went to grab the SPAS 12, and I told him, "Not that one." "But you just said to take any gun I want." "But not that one, it's mine, it's rare. They were discontinued in 1989, and this is 2025. This particular one is a 1989. That means it's almost thirty years old. I don't trust people with my rare items. Take the AA12, it has less recoil, and it's automatic." "I like the sound of that one better now anyway." "Good." Jack grabbed the AA12, I grabbed the SPAS 12, and then I grabbed a key chain. On it was a Mercedes logo.

We walked outside, and I opened a building that was next to my armoury. We walked inside, and I opened the garage door. Once some decent light came in, the vehicle was obvious. It was a Mercedes G36, about the only import I would ever drive, and that's only because it's a 6x6 military vehicle. We climbed in, and I started it up. We were about halfway to the visitor centre when I stopped. "What are you doing?" "Getting the tranquilizer ready. You're going to have to drive while I use the tranquilizer." "But isn't it better to not be moving when you take the shot?" "Yeah, but the Tyrannosaur is a big target, and this thing doesn't have the acceleration to outrun the Tyrannosaur if we are stopped and she's running."

I stood in the box of the Mercedes. Jack was driving, and I was keeping an eye out for the Tyrannosaur. I told Jack to stay away from the dense brush, I figured that where she would come from. My hunch was right, and when she appeared, she came from the brush on the right. I quickly took the shot, hitting her body. She kept coming, and I hit the back window. Jack looked in the mirror and then pressed the gas. Jack opened his window, and I yelled for him to go to the Tyrannosaur paddock. "What if there are chunks of cement? They could poke holes in the tires." "No they won't, these tires are bulletproof." "Why?" "It's a military vehicle. It came with the bulletproof tires. Now shut up and drive."

Jack of all trades. Master of none

4 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-06-2014 11:08 PM

MR.HAPPY9097 - That was an exceptionally detailed chapter! I greatly enjoyed the firearms display you produced - weapons are always fun! The poor T-Rex! I hope she doesn't eat anything that upsets her tummy too greatly! Thank you ever so much for presenting this to us! :)


MemberCompsognathusJun-07-2014 12:33 AM

good job with this, as usual your writing doesn't dissapoint. Looking forward to the next

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusJun-07-2014 8:24 AM

Great chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberAllosaurusJun-07-2014 11:14 AM

Spectacular. Excellent writing and detail.



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