Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapters 17 + 18

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-29-2014 3:10 AM

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 17

Scaring a Threat


The group was walking towards the visitor centre. They knew that their best chance of being rescued was if they went there, and they were talking. "Dr. Wu, what do you think is the most dangerous dinosaur on this island?" "Well, based off the genetic engineering, the improvements, the numbers, and the intelligence, I'm going to have to say the Velociraptors." "What about you, Dr. Harding?" "Based on the chameleon ability, the speed, the size and ferocity, probably the Carnotaurus." "How about you, Muldoon?" "The Tyrannosaur." "Why?" "She's fast, she's powerful, she's a nine ton wall of muscle that will not stop unless she wants to stop, and the Velociraptors are all dead." "Robert, you're overestimating her. We programmed her to be large, not fast or intelligent." "Well Henry, she's fast, and she doesn't need to be intelligent. She could be dumb as a bag of hammers and still outlast you on this island." "What makes you say that?" "Haven't you seen the damn thing?" She threw a Velociraptor into the Tyrannosaur skeleton and it fell over. She was attacked by a Carnotaurus and picked it off based in its scent."

The group reached the visitor centre as the Tyrannosaurus stepped onto the path. She saw Nedry was the source of the terrible scent and that he wasn't a threat to her. She had left because she thought it was a threat that smelled so bad, and she was following it to eliminate her competition. She flashed her teeth as the group turned around and then quickly ran for the visitor centre. They got inside and quickly went up the stairs and watched the Tyrannosaur from the roof. "We're safe up here. She can't climb or jump."

The Tyrannosaurus looked at them and roared in frustration. She was about to leave when another roar got their attention. Henry was the first to address the challenger. "That's the Spinosaurus. If the genetic engineering went right, the Tyrannosaur should be nothing more than an angry chew toy for it." Muldoon looked at Wu and said, "If the genetic engineering went right, I'd rather mess with the Tyrannosaur. How much you willing to bet the Tyrannosaur will kick the crap out of the Spinosaur faster than Hammond and his guests abandoned us?"

The Spinosaurus looked the Tyrannosaur in the eye and hissed. The Tyrannosaur flashed her teeth, and the Spinosaurus reared up and swung its arms. The Tyrannosaurus looked at the Spinosaur and growled, not impressed with what what it just did. The Spinosaurus went to all fours and did a form of push up. The Tyrannosaur backed off, bit a tree and ripped it out of the ground before biting it in half. The Spinosaurus looked at the Tyrannosaurus and backed off, not wanting to fight.

"Dammit! I wanted those two to fight to the death so we would only have to deal with one of them." "Better luck next time." Muldoon grabbed his shotgun and yelled at the Spinosaurus as he shot at it. "Come back and fight you big wimp!" The Spinosaurus roared at Muldoon, and Muldoon smiled as he grabbed his sniper. The Spinosaurus charged at the Tyrannosaurus, figuring it would have to get past her to get at Muldoon.

The Tyrannosaurus was pushed to the side, the sudden impact surprising her. The Spinosaurus bit as hard as he could, but the Tyrannosaurus regained her balance and smashed the Spinosaurus into a wall. The Spinosaurus slumped to the ground and the Tyrannosaur went back to trying to get at the group. "What happened to your all so mighty Spinosaurus?" "I don't know, but it's still breathing." "Not for long." Muldoon fired a round into the Spinosaurus's eye and it died right there.

Muldoon looked at the Spinosaurus, and then his rifle, unsure of wether the rifle had the power to do that, the Spinosaurus was almost dead and the bullet finished it, or if the Spinosaurus just wasn't as tough as it looked. Muldoon hoped the Barrett had enough power as he aimed at the Tyrannosaur's head. He took the shot at the Tyrannosaur's eye, and it backed off, roaring in pain. The Tyrannosaur looked at Muldoon with her good eye and left, knowing she couldn't get to them.




Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 18

The Visitor Centre


The group went down to the main floor of the visitor centre. They figured the Tyrannosaur would leave them alone, and they wanted to look through the visitor centre for supplies. They weren't hungry, so they decided to check the kitchen last.

"Where should we check first guys?" "Let's check the lab first. We could salvage some of the computers for when we restart this park." "Alright then. Nedry, you have any idea where we should check first?" "How about the kitchen? I'm hungry." "Gerry, please give me somewhere that would make sense to check." "How about my office? I've got some medical supplies in there that we could use." "Thank you for something reasonable."

They walked down the hallway to Harding's office, and Nedry was complaining the whole time. "Dennis, will you shut up?" "But I'm hungry." "There's a vending machine up ahead. Will that shut you up?" "But we don't have money and the power's out." We don't need any damn power to get at the snacks inside." "What do you mean?"

Muldoon walked over to one of the vending machines and asked Nedry what he wanted. "How about a bag of potato chips?" Nedry went to grab some change out of his pocket, and Muldoon had unfolded the stock on his shotgun and smashed the stock through the glass. "Here's your bag of chips, now quit bitching and let's get some supplies."

They reached Harding's office, and they walked in and looked for supplies. "I found a first aid kit." "Nice Henry, I've got some medical tape." "Guys, the cabinet over here has everything we need. If we treated some form of injury everyday, we'd have enough supplies to last for a month." "So we should be good until the day we get rescued or the day we die?" "Yes, yes we do." "Awesome. Hey Dennis, you find anything?"

Nedry was at the vending machine, digging around for some more chips. "If that damn Tyrannosaur comes back, we sacrifice him. Agreed?" Wu and Harding both nodded. "Agreed." They walked with all the supplies they could fit in Harding's bag, and then walked to where Nedry was.

"Dennis!" Nedry nearly jumped as he turned around. When he saw Muldoon standing less than a foot away from him, he stumbled back into the vending machine. "For a minute there, I was thought it was a Raptor." "You're going to be wishing it was one of the Raptors by the time I'm done here with you."

The group didn't know where to check next, so they decided to shut Nedry up and go to the kitchen. "You happy? We're in the kitchen, now get some damn food and shut up." "Thank you Mr. Muldoon." Muldoon looked around the rest of the kitchen, and soon reached a locked door. "What's in here?"

Muldoon opened the door and saw a dead Velociraptor in the room. "Haha, what happened to you?" Muldoon closed the door and called for Nedry. "What do want Robert?" "I looked in the freezer but didn't see anything. Seeing that you like food, I thought maybe you should take a look in there." "Alright, if you want me to."

Nedry got ready to walk in, and Muldoon opened the door. As Nedry started to walk in, Muldoon pushed him and slammed the door shut behind him. Nedry was screaming, Muldoon was laughing, and Harding and Wu didn't know what was going on. "Robert, what's happening?" "Dead Raptor in the freezer. Locked Dennis in there." "Why?" "Need a laugh, don't we?" "I guess."

After Nedry stopped screaming, Muldoon opened the door and Nedry walked out. Muldoon was still laughing when Nedry started talking. "Not funny Robert, not funny." "I thought it was. Just be happy that the thing was dead." "Yeah, thanks." Harding started laughing and said, "If a dead Raptor makes him piss himself, imagine what the real thing would make him do."

Jack of all trades. Master of none

2 Replies

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusMay-29-2014 5:08 AM

Hilarious. This is some great stuff. I'm really looking forward to the next two chapters.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusMay-29-2014 5:54 AM

Great chapters love your story do far great work!

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W

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