Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 16

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-28-2014 2:22 AM

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 16

Another Survivor


A few days after Muldoon killed the Parasaurolophus, the group is still stuck in the tree. The Tyrannosaur had finished the carcass and slept at the base of the tree. They didn't know why she chose to sleep there, but she hadn't woken up since.

"Maybe she's dead." "Unlikely Henry. Back at the game reserve where I used to work, the lions could sleep for eighteen hours a day." "But this is a Tyrannosaurus Rex, not a lion." "I know. The lions had other things to worry about. This Tyrannosaur is the most powerful thing in this island and she knows it." "Yeah right, a Tyrannosaurus knowing that it's the strongest thing around, where's the damn Spinosaurus, I want to see those two fight."

Before the conversation could continue, there was some movement in one of the nearby bushes. "What is that smell?" "I don't know. Smells like death and decay. I'd laugh if it was that fat bastard Nedry who probably hasn't bathed in days." "We haven't either." "I know. But fat people sweat, they eat, and they tire from walking, and we've been stuck in this god damned tree."

The Tyrannosaurus woke up and stood up. She sniffed the air, and after gagging for a minute, left. "She left. Why did she leave?" "She doesn't like the scent." "We don't either, but we weren't on the verge of throwing up." "She has the second most powerful sense of smell of all time, we don't." Another voice was heard from the base of the tree. "Is anyone up there?" Muldoon started laughing. "Yes, there are people up here. We're coming down." "Just hurry up, I'm scared."

The group got to the bottom of the tree, and Muldoon asked Nedry what happened. "I don't know. I got attacked by one of those spitting things, but out of desperation, I smashed its head through a window." "Interesting, what's with the smell?" Oh, that. You see, I haven't had a shower in a few days and I've spilled crumbs and coke my shirt." Alright then, let's get going, you can lead."

Jack of all trades. Master of none

4 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-28-2014 3:40 AM

MR.HAPPY9097 - Hahaha! Nedry! What a disgustingly awful fellow! I didn't like him in the book, and I certainly didn't like him in the movie. Wayne Knight did a fantastic job of portraying that bloke. This was a fun chapter! Thank you for bringing this to us! :)

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-28-2014 3:52 AM

Thanks. I threw him in for comical value.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusMay-28-2014 4:05 AM

i like how you had everyone who was killed off survive, looking forward to the next chapter.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


MemberAllosaurusMay-30-2014 4:48 PM

I agree with everyone. Nedry was just awful.


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