Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 15

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-27-2014 3:27 AM

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 15

The First Day


Muldoon, Harding and Wu were about to leave the hallway in the visitor centre when Muldoon stopped and whispered, "Be quiet over here, the Tyrannosaur is sleeping." They walked past the Tyrannosaurus and left the building. Wu asked Muldoon where they were going. "We're going to the main watering hole in the middle of the island where the herbivores roam free." "Wouldn't the carnivores want to go there though?" "Yes, yes they would." "Then why are we going there?" "You see, we're smarter than the carnivores, more patient." "If one of them senses us we're screwed though." "I'm pretty sure that this rifle will kill anything on this damn island except for the Tyrannosaurus and the local Triceratops population." "If you say so."

The group walked to the watering hole, and when they got there, climbed a tree. The tree was about forty feet high, and Wu wanted to know why they went so high. "We need to watch the area first, make sure there aren't any carnivores around here." "But wouldn't the gun shot scare them off?" "Not so Henry. If anything, it'll be a dinner bell and they will swarm us or the thing we killed." "So what do you want to do?" "Just shut up, I'm trying to focus. When I shoulder this thing, cover your ears." "Alright."

Muldoon watched the herbivores, looking for a suitable target. He figured any Parasaurolophus would be an easy enough target, and he looked for carnivores. Wu and Harding covered their ears as Muldoon shouldered the rifle and took aim. He lined up the crosshairs on his target's head, and pulled the trigger. The Parasaurolophus dropped, and Muldoon started waiting. "Robert, what are you doing?" "Be quiet, we may have woken up the Rex and the other carnivores will want to get their hands on that free kill."

The group watched as a pack of Velociraptors walked up to the kill and started eating. Muldoon was about to take the shot at one of the Raptors when a steady booming got his attention. "Here she comes guys, don't make a sound." Wu and Harding nodded and watched. The Tyrannosaurus walked up to the Velociraptors and roared at them. The Velociraptors hissed back and circled around the Tyrannosaurus. The alpha screeched an attack order, and the whole pack attacked. The group watched, and just when it looked like the Velociraptors were going to win, the Tyrannosaurus crushed the alpha, threw off the rest, and then proceeded to crush them too. "It looked like the Raptors were going to win." "They didn't have a chance Henry. That Tyrannosaur is an angry, nine ton wall of muscle. The only thing that could stop her is the alpha Trike, but she isn't anywhere near here." "But, there were so many different versions of the Raptors we cloned before stopping, and only one Tyrannosaur. The Raptors were more intelligent, more advanced. They should have won." "Intelligence and advancement will only get you so far in this environment. The Tyrannosaur is the strongest predator here. She could pick off anything she wanted whenever she wants. Besides the Baryonyx and Metriacanthosaurus, there aren't any carnivores left."

The group was watching the Tyrannosaur eat when Muldoon noticed movement. It was faint, but he saw it. Wu and Harding watched too, but they didn't see it. It attacked the Tyrannosaur, and the Tyrannosaur roared, looking for it. She couldn't see her attacker, but she could smell it. She faced it, and she managed to catch it mid charge. She ripped its head open and blood poured out. When the dinosaur died, it went to its true colours. "Henry, what the hell was that?" "A Carnotaurus. "Why am I just finding out about it now?" "John didn't want you to know." "Why not?" "Because of the camouflage ability. He thought you would have killed it." "Damn right I would have. Putting a dinosaur that can change colour on the tour is almost as stupid as making the Tyrannosaur second on the tour. Everyone knows you put the Tyrannosaur last." "The last dinosaur on the tour was the Spinosaurus." "A Spinosaurus? You mean that big sail back thing on Sorna?" "Yes."

Jack of all trades. Master of none

5 Replies

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusMay-27-2014 5:38 AM

Great chapter. Nice to see that you included Carnotaurus. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-27-2014 12:55 PM

MR.HAPPY9097 - That was an incredibly fun chapter to read! I greatly enjoyed the inclusiuon of the Carnotaurus - and the subtle way in which you worked-in a mention of the Spinosaurus. Thank you very much for bringing this to us! :)

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusMay-27-2014 1:22 PM

I got three references there. The Carnotaurus(obvious), the Spinosaurus(obvious), and D-Rex since it can change color like the Carnotaurus.

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-27-2014 2:04 PM

This chapter was written well before we had any news of the D-Rex, so it's an unintended reference. We see Carnotaurus again near the end, and we see D-Rex in my project that I'll be posting soon.


Thanks guys. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMay-30-2014 4:41 PM

Good chapter. 3 days latre of a reply...


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