Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 13

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-25-2014 3:09 AM

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 13

Jurassic Park's Failure


Hammond had invited a few special guests to the island. The park took a turn for the worse, and when Muldoon got back from rescuing Ian Malcolm, he was told to go do something for a while.

Muldoon walked around the visitor centre, thinking about what to do. He wanted to look for Grant and the kids, but it was too dangerous to go out in the dark. Muldoon walked to his personal armoury and grabbed his guns. He made sure they were cycling properly, he made sure the magazines would load properly, and he shouldered all the guns so that it would be a little quicker if he went out.

There were few people left, only Muldoon, Hammond, and one of the technicians, John Arnold. Arnold was pissed because his partner, Dennis Nedry, had disappeared and he was the only one who could fix the problem. Muldoon was watching the security station on the TV, but he didn't see anything.

Muldoon went to sleep on the coach after putting his guns back, and he was woken up by Hammond. "Robert, we need to go to the bunker right now." "Alright, I just need to grab a gun or two." "There are guns in the bunker." "Fine, let's get going."

Hammond and Muldoon went to the bunker and met with Sattler, Malcolm, and Arnold. They sent Arnold to try and turn on the power, and after several minutes, started to get worried. Muldoon grabbed a shotgun from the locker and went to go to the shed. Sattler joined him, and Muldoon freaked out when he saw the fence to the Velociraptor paddock was destroyed.

They walked into the thicket, and Muldoon saw one of the Raptors. He told Sattler to make a run for the shed, and after a slight argument, she did. Muldoon walked to where the Velociraptor was, and he set his hat on the log in front of him. He unfolded the stock on his shotgun, realizing it was a mistake to not unfold it sooner, and he took aim.

He was about to take the shot when he realized his biggest mistake. He looked up and to the side just as The Big One peered through the brush. Muldoon said, "Clever girl" as the Raptor attacked him. Muldoon started screaming in pain, but quickly realized it was pointless. The shotgun was still in arm's reach as Muldoon decided to play dead and see if that would do anything. The Big One stopped the attack, and then walked away with the second Raptor.

After what felt like forever, Muldoon opened his eyes. The Velociraptors were gone, and he grabbed his shotgun and went to the visitor centre.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

4 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-25-2014 3:43 AM

MR.HAPP9097 - YES! That's right - Muldoono lived! I knew you wouldn't let that brat kill him! This was a very good chapter. Thank you so much for sharing it! :)

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-25-2014 4:12 AM

It wouldn't be much of a Muldoon story without Muldoon. It would be like a Jurassic Park without science and research being talked about and......... Wait. JP3

Jack of all trades. Master of none

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusMay-25-2014 4:19 AM

Great chapter. I was sure that you wouldn't kill off Muldoon.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberAllosaurusMay-25-2014 1:11 PM

Good chapter. Glad he survived.


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