Jurassic World Movies

How the D-Rex and "Good/Bad" Dinosaurs can work

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Airman Allo

MemberCompsognathusMay-23-2014 4:49 AM

I've been reading alot of comments regarding the D-Rex and the Good/Bad Dinosaurus and while I to am a tad concerned, I think there is a way of this working out.


So the D-Rex...... big Carnotaurus knock off mixed with T-Rex and Cuttlefish...weird huh?

Maybe not,

I'm thinking that in an attempt to possibly breed an adjusted version of the T-Rex specifically for Thrill Seekers in the park, Patel may have created the D-Rex purely out of accident and decided, "Hey let's roll with it." After a while however they start realizing this thing is more trouble than it is worth and lock it up in a secure facility and decide to keep it there until it dies. Sadly this is not the case and it some how escapes, enacting an emergency contigency plan.

This is where my good dinosaur theory comes into place.

What if when they talk about Good dinosaurs, they really mean "implanted dinsoaurs." What I mean by this is what if we take a pack of Velociraptors for instance and we implant the Alpha Raptor with the a small chip that allows it to react to broadcasted frequencies (Like a soundwave or dog whistle.) Let's say that when this command sounds, the Alpha's chip will activate and tell the dinosaur to lead the pack into a designated safety pen in order to keep from obstructing the Security Crews. The other possibility is that one dinosaur from every species is implanted with this same chip and when the frequency is broadcasted, each implanted member will work to gain control of its designated population.

Just my thoughts on how to rationlize it a bit more.

2 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-23-2014 4:23 PM
AIRMAN ALLO - Hmm, that's a very interesting premise you've presented. If they're going to introduce a genetically-spliced dinosaur, I don't see why the possibility of a "control chip" device couldn't be utilized. You presented your hypothesis very nicely! Thank you for sharing this with us! :)


MemberCompsognathusMay-23-2014 9:43 PM

Not a bad idea.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

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