Jurassic World Movies

Looking at the New Breed Objectively (SPOILERS)

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Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-22-2014 12:40 AM
Hello there. As you've all no doubt already seen, the new dinosaur which will be gracing the Jurassic Park series isn't a natural-born killer. It's a genetic manipulation designed by the engineers of Jurassic World to bring in revinue. The Diabolus Rex, as it is named, seems to be an interesting creature - being a genetic bastardization between T-Rex, Velociraptor and Cuttlefish (really?) DNA. I'm certain it will provide for many a scare in the theatre - what with its ability to camouflage itself and the combined killer instincts of two very prolific predators. That being said, I have one very simple question regarding this animal: what in the name of all that is good and wonderful in Odin's beard could the engineers have possibly been thinking when they made this monster?! Does creating a creature with the properties present in the D-Rex sound like a good idea? It's as if the engineers WANT the bloody thing to get loose to start terrorizing the park and its guests! Who looks at the combination of genetic traits imbued within the D-Rex and says "Yeah, that'd be an entertaining bloke - let's put it into production"? What sort of "entertainment" could a creature like that provide, short of gutting and eating a cow on stage - after suddenly appearing before the horrified bovine to splatter it all over every surface? As always, your thoughts and conjecture are greatly appreciated, even if you choose to keep them to yourselves. :)
16 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 12:59 AM

I hoped they wouldn't make a new hybrid dino, but maybe it will work out. Either it will be incredibly awesome, or just plain agony to watch. I thought they were going to have giganotosaurus or something, but no. This better not be as bad as JP 3 (spino vs fence, spino wins, spino vs wooden door, door wins). I pray to Jesus that this is an amazing movie! People are starting to forget about dinos and Jurassic Park. JP brought an interest of dinos to the world.

At least there will be a lot of cool fights.

Youre fat, and I'm not sugarcoating it cause you'd probably eat that too.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-22-2014 1:20 AM
JEZZA - Indeed. The first Jurassic Park film sparked a wonder for dinosaurs throughout the world. It was wonderful! I just hope the new film doesn't complete;y destroy what was established. Here's hoping - fingers crossed! :)

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-22-2014 3:35 AM

If they f*ck up and the movie bombs! I might have to personally strangle someone. 


Why would they make a dinosaur as big as a small plane, as smart as a small child, and give it the ability to camouflage itself? That is the dumbest idea I've heard ever.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-22-2014 4:58 AM
MR.HAPPY9097 - I know exactly how you feel. Why the bloody hell would they make that thing? What purpose could a "Super Dinosaur" possibly serve other than to be the ideal way to destroy the people that made it? It seems a bit too contrived - a monster for the sake of the plot. However, maybe - and I stress MAYBE - the D-Rex's questionable genetic array will be shown to have a viable reason for the film. I certainly hope the creators of the film didn't simply throw together an ultra-powerful threat that can vanish from sight at will. :)


MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 6:18 AM

my best guess to this is the are at least attempting to pick bits n pieces out of the film cannon, maybe it's an allusion to the Carnotaurus'?

I think it's a neat idea, and what you guys are forgetting is this isn't Trevorrow's first rodeo...He'll pull it off!

If he does burn the franchise though....that entre film cast...they should all be destroyed.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 6:34 AM

From what the description of the dinosaur says, another creature who's DNA has been spliced with it is a snake.  So it could possibly be either venomous or it could unhinge it's jaws to take massive bites or swallow things whole.


MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 12:23 PM

I was thinking the same thing Carnosaur! Also TheDinosaurMan if it has the ability to unhinge its jaws, i think it might be an allusion for Allosaurus or some type of allosaur. If it has venom it could be that JP Dilophosaurs are there or an allusion for Sinornithosaurus.

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!


MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 12:26 PM

Umm, I'm of two minds on this! This could go very wrong. It could also go very well! 

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-22-2014 2:35 PM
CARNOSAUR - You're very right. Trevorrow is experienced in the realm of film-making. So is Steven Spielberg, and he gave of us Kindom of the Crystal Skulls - a film held to be a monumental failure. That being said, I find your enthusiasm to be very refreshing. With luck, Trevorrow might very well be able to make the D-Rex concept interesting. :)

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-22-2014 2:39 PM
THEDINOSAURMAN and ALLOTITAN - Indeed. I read that as well in the earlier leak, but as it didn't appear in the new information, I assumed it might not have been true. However, if it is legitimate, then the D-REX is certainly going to be a much more terrifying creature! The potential for venom and a much wider bite would make it an exceptionally lethal hunter. With that as the case, doesn't it seem a bit, hmm, strained to assume the engineers at Jurassic World would create such a nightmare? It's practically a perfect killing organism! :)

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-22-2014 2:44 PM
EVAN123 - I understand whole-heartedly how you feel. I, too, want Jurassic World to be a great film! The Diabolus Rex could turn out to be something incredibly interesting and terrifying - which I'm hoping for! Or it could wind up being a contrived monster that with no validity whatsoever. I really very much want the D-Rex to be neat! Here's hoping that the film's writers do it justice! :)

The UT

MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 5:19 PM

That was not a wooden door at all, it was a rusty old, thick piece of metal im sure could have stopped a train if it had to.

The UT

MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 5:27 PM

And Colin Trevorrow has not even made a movie that has went into theaters, the only thing he done anything with is Safety Not Guarenteed, which was made a couple years back (i am very up to date with every new movie that comes out)and i had not even heard of it till i looked up Colin on IMDB. I dont know about you guys, but i dont want, in my opinion, the best movie franchise known to man to be produced by a guy i have not heard of let alone not hearing of any movies he has so called produced, ones that did NOT go nto theaters at that....


Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-22-2014 10:36 PM
THE UT - I understand your concerns. I didn't know that Trevorrow hadn't produced a "made for theatres" film - thank you very much for that information! :)

John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusMay-23-2014 7:06 PM

This is a sad day, there are many creatures they could have used like Carnotaurus or Utahraptor that could have easily taken the D rex's place. For heavens sake the Carnotaurus was already a chameleon so why did they need to create such an unrealistic cross breed? Still I am not getting my hopes up or down untill I see the movie.

Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.


MemberCompsognathusMay-23-2014 11:32 PM

I just hope they can pull this off and make this monster look like an animal that used too exist. Have any photos of the D-rex been released yet or do we have to wait t to see for ourselves?  The day scientists are actually to bring back a dinosaur (which should be almost any day now) I hope they dont do something like this. 

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