Jurassic World Movies

Two New Prehistoric Species Discovered

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Judge Baggins

MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2014 4:31 PM

Two new prehistoric species have been discovered. The first one is a saurpod called Leinkupal laticauda. It is a distant cousin to Apatosaurus and Diplodocus, all belonging to a group called diplodocids, and it is was first discovered in 2010 by a palentologist by the name Pablo Gallina from Universidad Maimonides in Buenos Aires. The news was reported by Live Science. Here is the link to the whole article.



Next up, a new species of shark dating back to 300 million years was discovered. It was posted on Discover News. The creature was found by Palentologist John-Paul-Hodnett in the Monzano Mountains to the east of Albuquerque, New Mexico. He famously dubbed it "Godzilla Shark" because of its rather large physical features compared to the other species of prehistoric shark discovered in that area. Check it out. It is quite fascinating.

Discovery Article


1 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-15-2014 6:14 PM
JUDGE BAGGINS - This is extremely fascinating news! Thank you very much for presenting these findings to us! :)
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