Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 2

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-14-2014 2:50 AM

Jurassic Park: The Game Warden's Story Chapter 2

The Job Offer


The day after taking down the best trophy elephant in Africa, Muldoon and his group were out hunting cape buffalo. The least skilled man, Klaus, was trailing behind Muldoon and the other man, Jake. They were walking through a dense thicket. All three men stayed as silent as possible, and Muldoon signalled to stop. Thirty yards in front of them was a herd of buffalo with about ten members. Muldoon told them that he was going to take two shots, and that they needed to run after the second shot.

Muldoon went to his knee and took aim. He had two types of bullet in his magazine. The first round was a soft point bullet. Usually, the buffalo is in the herd still when you take the shot, so Muldoon didn't want one of the hard point bullets to go through his target and hit another buffalo. The second bullet, was a hard point bullet. Once the buffalo is charging, the shot will be head on and even a hard point won't go completely through. Muldoon took the first shot, and the wounded buffalo charged. Muldoon took the second shot, and his target dropped.

Muldoon stood up, turned and ran as he chambered the third round. Klaus and Jake were about two steps in front of Muldoon. All three men were running as fast as they could, and after about thirty seconds, they were out of the bush and in the open. The buffalo herd had given up and went the opposite direction, away from their herd mate.

Klaus started laughing and celebrating, and Muldoon quickly silenced him. "Shut up, will you? Just because we escaped the buffalo doesn't mean we're home free." "Sorry Mr. Muldoon." "It's fine, it doesn't look like we're in any immediate dan.........." Muldoon had kept an eye out for any signs of danger while he was talking to Klaus, and he spotted a large male lion walking towards them. Jake saw it, Klaus saw it, and they started to freak out.

"Calm down guys. Don't show any fear and it might leave us alone." Klaus started running for the thicket, and Jake followed. "Amateurs." Muldoon brought the rifle up to his shoulder and pulled the trigger when the shot looked good. The lion had started running when Klaus and Jake ran, and when Muldoon took the shot, the lion tumbled head over heels towards him, and Muldoon stepped to the side as the lion's lifeless body rolled three feet behind where he was. "Guys, it's safe now."

Klaus and Jake walked out of the thicket, and Muldoon wasn't impressed. "What the hell were you two thinking?" "I thought it would be a good idea to run into the thick brush." "Well, it wasn't. An adult lion can run one hundred yards in three to six seconds, you can't. You have to stand your ground and shoot." "I didn't know that." "You really should do some research before big game hunting in Africa." "I will next time." "Next time? There almost wasn't a next time." "I get it, sorry."

Muldoon called for a helicopter to pick up their trophies, and two helicopters showed up. "Robert, what the hell is InGen?" "Not a clue, but we might find out." The first helicopter, the one Muldoon called for, landed and picked up the lion. "Robert, John is in the helicopter over there waiting for you." "Thanks Mark, I'll talk to him. Make sure these two get back to civilization soon." "Why? They seem like they know what they're doing." "They don't. I saved them. Why do I always get the amateurs?" "Beats me."

Muldoon walked to the now landed InGen helicopter, and he climbed in. "John, what seems to be the problem?" "No problem, I just came to offer you the job of a life time." "Sounds interesting. What is it? Getting paid to sit on my ass and watch TV?" "Not like that. I'm giving you the chance to be Game Warden at my new theme park that I'm opening in eight years from now on Isla Nublar." "Game Warden and theme park don't belong in the same sentence John." "I know. Just so you know, Isla Nublar is one hundred and twenty miles west of Costa Rica." "A tropical theme park. Very original idea." "The attractions are very original." "What are they?" "We are attempting to clone dinosaurs." "Dinosaurs?"

Jack of all trades. Master of none

3 Replies

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-14-2014 5:22 AM
MR.HAPPY9097 - That was very nice! I can just imagine the look of incredulity on Muldoon's face when he asks "Dinosaurs?" at the end. Very descriptive throughout! Thank you very much for bringing this to us! :)


MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 5:47 AM

good job. Kinda reminds me of the first book, i'm enjoying this one. keep it up

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 9:48 PM

Very cool and definatly a realistic reaction from Muldoon. Great job.

Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.

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