Jurassic World Movies

Dinosaur Writers Challenge: Park Animal Feeder/Pen Caretaker

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Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-10-2014 8:46 PM
* * * * * As this bloody stupid typing window has decided it doesn't like spaces in paragraphs, I've used stars (*) to represent the breaks. I hope you enjoy it regardless of the flaws. * * * * * ***On the Fence*** The fact of the matter was I absolutely hated my job. Day in and day out, my life consisted of handling tons of raw, unprocessed meat, blending vitamin emulsions, restocking grain silos, and cleaning out water reservoirs that made the sewer pipes of cities like New York look like a dream by comparison. The charm of being privileged enough to actually work for Patel Corps had faded into a blurry miasma roughly three months after I'd signed on to work for them. My previous position at the Sydney Zoo had seemed mundane in comparison to what I'd been offered: the chance to work with actual prehistoric fauna – living fossils lifted up from the clutches of extinction for the enjoyment of the world at large. It sounded like something out of a dream. Too bad the reality wasn't everything I'd hoped. * * * * Ever had to vitamin-prep a fresh, 350lb side of beef for a hungry theropod? The injector guns sometimes get gummed-up with subcutaneous fluid and coagulated blood – just the thing to deal with first thing in the morning right after you've had your breakfast quesodilla. Ever had to clean up a display pen after a saurupod show? Just one of those suckers defecating can produce enough waste to fill the bed of a solid pickup truck – and maybe even a trash can in the passenger side seat if you're having a particularly bad day. Enjoy being around the animals for which your caring? You can forget about that. The animals here at Jurassic World aren't like the ones we're used to in this day and age. There's something...alien about them; as if the engineers that brought them back into our world also managed to somehow recreate the foreign nature of their presence. * * * * They aren't life-forms native to our time – and it shows by the way they look at you. It's almost as if they understand that you aren't a part of the world from which they come – and vice-versa. There's something haunting in their eyes that tells you you're gazing back into an age long gone, an age into which we shouldn't be looking back. Don't get me wrong, the animals are beautiful and breathtaking beyond compare; absolutely everything we'd expect from bygone creatures. The colors, the movements, the lowing and brays – they shame even the most vivid artists and film-makers whom attempt to capture their nature for our enjoyment. Here, in Jurassic World, time steps back for us to reveal the ancient world over which we now dwell within our vast urban sprawls and sophisticated cities. * * * * “Jenifer!? You still with me, girl?†The old, smoky, accented voice suddenly snapped me back to reality with a quick start, causing my dreary musings to fade back into the far confines of my thoughts. * * * * The jeep bounced slightly over a dip in the dirt road as I half-heartedly looked over to the man presently in the driver's seat. James Kerr, my supervisor and likely only friend in the whole damn park, looked over to me with a faint half-smile – the same, knowing expression he always gave when he realized I'd been off in a daydream. Stocky and barrel-chested with skin like polished ebony, James could easily have been some tribal warrior taken straight from the savanna and outfitted in well-worn khakis – especially with the dark, slightly-raised tattoo that flowed over both his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. In his mid 60's, James had been Jurassic World's chief animal feeder for nearly a year. Despite his age, James' body had retained the incredible strength he undoubtedly possessed in his youth, and it showed in his physique. Muscled like a Greek statue, he could heft even the largest feeding bins with little more than an amused grunt. Regardless of the 30 year difference between us, I rarely minded the moments in which he left his vest unbuttoned. * * * * Shaking his head with a chuckle and wide grin as he looked forward to mind the road, James slowly guided the jeep onward, enjoying the shade from the surrounding palm fronds as he said “Off in the brush again, girl?†* * * * “Better there than hereâ€, I snorted, taking a draw from the cigarette I'd mostly forgotten about for the past few minutes. I only smoked on the really bad days, and this one was turning out to be a spectacle of misery. * * * * “You say that a great lotâ€, said James, lifting his hands slightly from the steering wheel as he shrugged. “I might start to think you don't like playing with shit any more. What will I do then?†I couldn't help but laugh at that, expelling a thin wisp of smoke from my mouth and nostrils as I leaned forward to tamp out the cigarette in an unused coffee cup. * * * * “Neverâ€, I responded with feigned shock. “That's the entire bloody reason I signed on for this job – the six-plus tons of crap I get to shovel each and every day.†Smiling once more as he lazily swerved around a low-lying acacia branch, James arched an eyebrow and said “Most people get used to it, girl. You're just too posh. Maybe you could transfer to the biology team – I hear they're looking for a third member.†* * * * I laughed once more, “I think I'll stick with the shit-brigade. The biology department's got one hell-of-a revolving door. At least here I'm guaranteed work; there's never any shortage of what we're supposed to manage.†* * * * Turning his head slightly with a matter-of-fact expression, James nodded once more and said “Well, no way around that fact. Maybe today will be something different, eh? Maybe you'll get to meet the old man.†* * * * I swiftly turned to look at James, “â€Old manâ€?â€, I asked, “Hammond's coming here – today?†Chuckling, James simply shook his head and said “He arrived about two hours ago. You never do read the website, do you, girl?†* * * * Shit! I'd had no idea Hammond was visiting the park today! I briefly and strongly considered lighting another cigarette. * * * * Considering for a brief moment, I looked to James once more and said “He going to be getting in everyone's way while they're trying to do their jobs?†* * * * “Is that such a bad thing?†chuckled James as he steered the jeep casually to the right alongside an old retaining embankment, “You're a good looking woman; maybe he'll get a crush on you and make you a wealthy widow. He couldn't have that many years left in him. After that, you go find yourself a young buck to play with on one of your yachts.†* * * * I shook my head as I fought to keep a smile from consuming my face, though I couldn't help but chuckle as my shoulders quaked. Regardless of how bad my days were, James always had a way of making them a little more bearable. * * * * Regaining my composure, I tilted my head down slightly to look at James above the rim of my sunglasses and said “So, what's in store for us on this run? One of Curry's crew pass out from methane fumes in the hadrosaur paddock and leave the hard work for us?†* * * * Shaking his head and pursing his lips with an “I know something you don't want to†expression, James simply kept driving. “Well?â€, I said, arching an eyebrow. Sighing as he looked to me with a bemused and apologetic expression, James shrugged and matter-of-factly said “We're going to the rhamphorhynchus pens.†* * * * I groaned immediately, “Shit...†* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If there was one animal I could say I really did not like in the entire park, it was the rhamphorhynchus. All in all, you could compare them to extremely curious, large, and over-mouthy bats. They crawled around the floor and mesh walls of their pen in a similar fashion. They even hung upside-down on occasion. That's not why I loathed them with a solid passion, however. * * * * For one, they stank to high heavens – something like a mingling of old urine and horse sweat. For two, they obviously despised clothing, because they always managed to rip something I was wearing or tug something halfway off. They were like giant, flying ferrets – minus the cute, little noses and soft fur. * * * * The last time I'd had the pleasure of cleaning the rhamphorhynchus pen, one of the little shits had flashed my bra to an entire high-school class after it decided the buttons on my shirt looked edible. At the time, I'd had no idea they could move so swiftly. From that point on, however, I never again wore a button-up blouse or vest. * * * * Yet, that still didn't make up for the smell. Bending down to tug the flattened remains of what had undoubtedly been a feeder rabbit from the matted bedding covering the pen floor, I sighed softly as yet another of the rhamphorhynchus swooped down low over my head, squawking sharply as it went. That was another problem I had with them – they were very, very loud. Not only that, but if they liked you even the slightest bit they were as clingy as three-year-olds. I was getting a full reminder of that aspect as Charlie, the oldest of the flock whose pen I was helping James clean, lounged imperiously upon my shoulders – warbling softly and occasionally attempting to preen my hair with his toothy muzzle. * * * * “Yes, Charlie, good boyâ€, I dourly mumbled as I felt my hair slap wetly back against the side of my neck, “I picked coconut conditioner last night just for you...â€
14 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2014 9:13 PM

Wow! That was great. It will be extremely hard to beat.y 

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

John Morrison

MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2014 9:38 PM

I found this one very realistic. I really felt her discontent toward her job along with her resentment for the Patel Corporation. The only things that I caught for improvment were the lack of paragraphs dividing the events and the spelling of Rhamphorhynchus. Still this did not take away from the story and I think that it is an interesting and believable sub-plot. Great work and somone would have to do an extraordinarily excellant job to beat this.

Ian Malcolm: No I'm, I'm simply saying that life - uhhh - finds a way.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-10-2014 10:31 PM
GOJIRA2K - Thank you so very much! :)

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-10-2014 10:34 PM
JOHN MORRISON - Thank you! The spelling of rhamphorhynchus indeed escaped me; thank you for the spelling! However, the paragraphs suddenly vanished when I posted the story from Microsoft Word! I don't know what happened. :( Regardless, thank you so very much for the positive review. :)

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-10-2014 10:43 PM
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I am exceptionally sorry for the state of my writing. It's embarrassing. When I typed it, I did so in Microsoft Word and, when I posted it, it became a jumbled mess! I keep trying to add spaces between my paragraphs, but the bloody edit screen doesnt seem to register these changes. Please forgive the horrid nature of the story I've presented. You're free to disqualify it on those grounds if you see fit. Regardless, I have implemented stars (*) to represent the breaks in the paragraphs. It's the best I can do. Once again, I am terribly sorry. :(


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2014 11:06 PM

this was actually quite good! far better then mine, gonna be hard to beat!

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-10-2014 11:11 PM
CARNOSAUR - Thank you. I'm very sorry for the terrible spacing that cropped-up when I copy-and-pasted it. Regardless, your praise is extremely apprecated! :)


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2014 1:16 AM

That was incredibly good and vividly detailed, brilliant! I don't think there's anything wrong with your writing! I think you should follow this up with another instalment! It was fantastic!

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-11-2014 1:21 AM
EVAN123 - Thanks, sweetie. That helps a great deal. I've been in a proper bad mood ever since the bloody typing window dismembered my story after I copied-and-pasted it. Thank you so much for your support! :)

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-11-2014 3:36 AM

Damn. I'll be surprised if this doesn't take first.


The paragraph method you put in is a good idea considering it won't register actual paragraphs.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-11-2014 3:59 AM
MR.HAPPY9097 - Thank you so much for your confidence. I'm still very ashamed with myself for the state in which my story appeared upon the site after being pasted. I am, however, extremely pleased that you found this to be entertaining despite the unorthodox nature of my paragraph spacing. Hearing that from someone I respect as much as you is very enheartening. :)

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-11-2014 4:06 AM

You're welcome. You did what you could with the paragraphs, and it works better than not having any form of separation.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-11-2014 4:12 AM
MR.HAPPY9097 - Thank you so very much. :)

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 10:15 AM

This was excellent and I typicall don't enjoy fan writing as it is rarely ever believable, realistic, or contexual. This was EXCELLENT.

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